
Contact(s) for assistance accessing the database –, Curtis Walker

Years Available

Years of available data – 2012 – Present (24 hour delay in 2024)

Short Description

LifeScale is an institution-scale, honest-broker mediated, coded-limited instantiation of the OSU/NCH Caboodle clinical data warehouse, loaded as parquet files and enriched with a diverse array of NMDH data, where the data is connected to a resourced Azure Databricks cluster governed by a joint agreement with NCH and OSU under a single, reliant-IRB protocol. LifeScale was developed in partnerships with Microsoft, NCH, WMC, Optometry, Dentistry, CCC (including Tumor and Registry data) and includes data not often found in EMR data (i.e., sSDoH).


The platform has become the basis of our clinical data lake architecture and is being expanded to include IOT, waveforms, EEG, imaging, clinical notes and the system is organized as a coded limited set.


The current platform represents a novel technology and is associated with new approaches to IRB, HIPAA, and more specifically, expert determination. As a result, data ingress can be a timely endeavor for new data types/set. We are working to create a synthetic version of the data for training, but that work will not be completed until 2025.