The KID data dictionary can be found here.
Type of Data
Specialty/Pediatric Inpatient database
Years Available
Every three years from 1997 to 2012, 2016 and 2019
Note: At OSU, we have every three years from 1997 to 2012 as well as 2016 available through the CATALYST Data Core
Short Description
Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID) is powerful database designed to support different types of analyses involving national hospital stays for patients younger than 21 years of age. This database contains pediatric discharges of all payers (covered by Medicaid or private insurance) as well as those who are uninsured.
KID is a part of family of databases and software tools developed for the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). More details about KID can be found at their fast-facts website.
- Unweighted, KID contains about 3 million pediatric discharges annually
- Weighted, it approximates 7 million hospitalizations
- KID enables national and regional studies of common and rare pediatric conditions
- KID database contains three discharge-level files and one hospital-level file
- The data are well formatted and maintained with data dictionaries, including programs for loading ASCII files into SAS, SPSS or Stata (beginning with 2006)
- The KID hospital numbers are reassigned each year so they cannot be used to link hospital across years
- Diagnosis and Procedure Groups File is not available for the data year of 2016
SDC Members with Expertise
- No one at this time