Dr. Deligkaris is a Data Analytics Specialist for the Neurology Health Services Research Division and the Center for the Advancement of Team Science, Analytics, and Systems Thinking (CATALYST) in Health Services and Implementation Science Research. He has years of experience programming, creating data visualizations, and conducting computational research resulting in peer-reviewed publications and presentations at national conferences. He also works closely with Dr. Burke and Dr. Kerber on exciting projects that aim to optimize neurological health outcomes and services. Most of these projects require management and analysis of large datasets such as Medicare. In addition, he has a PhD in Physics with Specialization in Computational Sciences from Purdue University, and prior to joining The Ohio State University in July 2022, he was an Associate Professor of Physics with many years experience in mentoring undergraduate research students and teaching.
PhD: Physics with Specialization in Computational Sciences, Purdue University | 2011
Research Interests
- Neurology Health Services Research
Selected Publications
“Physico-Chemical Properties of 4-(methylnitrosamino)- 1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) Diazonium Ion: A Theoretical Investigation”, Christos Deligkaris, EvanMillam, Edmir O.Wade, Maverick L. Grayer and David M. Wahl, RSC Advances, 2021, 11, 26750 – 26762
“Physical Binding of the Tobacco Smoke Carcinogen NNK Diazonium Ion to the Human Tumor Suppressor Gene TP53 Exon 5”, Christos Deligkaris, Evan Millam, Toxicology Research, 2019, 8, 531-543