Improving Health Outcomes with Use of Secondary Data
May 16, 2022
A symposium featuring faculty research supported by the OSU Department of Biomedical Informatics, Center for Biostatistics, Secondary Data Core, curated for an audience of clinicians and researchers.
Join us for the SDC symposium (webinar passcode: 160087) here, or contact Yevgeniya Gokun via her OSUMC email.
10:00 – 10:15 Welcome
Guy Brock, PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Center for Biostatistics.
Access to Data and Data Processing
10:15 – 10:35 “Various secondary data sources and how to access/process them”
John Lawrence/Dr. Tim Huerta
10:35 -10:40 Live Q&A with John Lawrence/Dr. Tim Huerta
10:40 – 10:45 Break
Presentations among the investigators who have used more than one SD for their research
10:45 – 11:00am “Improving Health Outcomes with Use of Secondary Data”
Adrian Diaz, MD, Surgery Resident.
11:05 – 11:20am “Database studies: Design, Measures, and Classic Examples”
Mitchell Ramsey, MD, Research Fellow.
11:25 – 11:40am “Exploring Nutrition and Health Outcomes: Opportunities and Caveats”
Chris Taylor, PhD, Professor of Medical Dietetics.
11:45 – noon Live Q&A with SD presenters
Lunch Q&A with the SD members
12:00- 12:15 pm. “Strengths and limitations to various secondary data sources”
Djhenne Dalmacy, MS, Center for Biostatistics
(Listen as you lunch.)
12:15- 12:45 pm. Q&A/Discussion with SD members regarding statistical support
- Guy Brock, PhD: Associate Professor, Faculty Advisor
SD Members:
- Madison Hyer, MS: Principal Biostatistician, Co-Director of Secondary Data Core
- Mahmoud Abdel-Rasoul, MS: Principal Biostatistician, Co-Director of Secondary Data Core
- Yevgeniya Gokun, MS: Senior Biostatistician
- April Logan, MS: Senior Biostatistician
- Djhenne Dalmacy, MS: Biostatistician I
- Jack Chiang, PhD: Research Scientist
- Mohamed Elsaid, PhD: Assistant Professor – Clinical
12:45pm – 1:00 pm Break
Keynote: Grants with use of SD
1:00 – 1:15pm “Real-world examples of secondary data analyses in emergency care research”
Henry Wang, MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine.
1:20 – 1:35pm “The application of population databases to generate grant hypotheses”
Somashekar Krishna, MD, Professor of Gastroenterology.
1:40 – 1:55pm “Learning drug effects via emulating clinical trials on real-world patient data”
Ping Zhang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering.
2:00-2:15pm “Using the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide and State Databases for Health Services and Health Policy Research”
Jennifer Cooper, PhD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics
2:20- 2:35 pm Live Q&A with those who submitted grant with use of SD