User Manual

In order to begin playing Rock, Pokémon, Scissors, you must open the game file in the Proteus Simulator. First, you must press the grey “load” button in the center of the Simulator window. A new window will open where you can select the “game” file, followed by pressing “open”. This will open the game on the Proteus Simulator. A picture is shown below:

Once you have opened Rock, Pokémon, Scissors in the Proteus Simulator, you will then be brought to the main menu of the game. You have the option to press on either “Instructions”, “Play Game”, or “Credits”. To see the instructions for how to play the game, press “Instructions”. You will then be shown the instructions for the game and you can click anywhere on the screen to return to the main menu. To see the credits for the game, press “Credits”. You will then be shown the credits for the game and you can click anywhere on the screen to return to the main menu. To play the game, press “Play Game”. This will cause you to exit the main menu and it will send your character into the Tosu Region of Rock, Pokémon, Scissors! The main menu is shown below:

Now that your character is finally in the world of Rock, Pokémon, Scissors, you can finally help defeat the FEH Empire. To play the game, you must press on the right half of the screen to move your character through the Tosu region. If you press on the left side of the screen, your character will not move. However, depending on when you click the left side of the screen, you may be hit with an extra foe, but that’s for you to find out! As you are progressing with your character through the Tosu region, you will cross paths with numerous foes before reaching the final boss.

Upon reaching an enemy TA, you will be sent into a battle screen where you can fight to the death! You are given three options: Rock, Paper or Scissors. Depending on what response you pick, you may or may not have been wise enough to damage your foe! Each battle is best two out of three, meaning you and your opponent have enough health to withstand two losses. If you lose twice in a battle, you will have lost the battle. If you win twice in a battle, you have won that battle! Each win and loss is counted and displayed to you outside of the battle screen. A sample battle screen against UTA Yiyang is shown below:

After you have fought the evil UTA Yiyang, regardless of whether or not you won or lost, you will be sent back to the game screen. You must continue pressing on the right side of the screen to move onward through the Tosu region. When your character reaches the right side of the screen, an extra press on the right side of the screen will cause your character to move into the second game screen. The second game screen is shown below:

After you have fought both Maddy and TJ in the second game screen, you must then continue moving through the Tosu region to get to the third game screen. The third game screen is shown below:

To fight Dr. Parke’s Cat and dethrone the FEH Department, you must continue to press on the right side of the screen until you are sent into battle with Dr. Parke’s Cat. Once in battle, you must progress through the fight like every other battle. If you lose against Dr. Parke’s Cat, you will be sent back to the first game screen and be forced to start all over. However, your wins and losses will stay with you, and the more wins that you achieve as you progress through the Tosu region, the easier the final boss battle against Dr. Parke’s Cat becomes. If you win against Dr. Parke’s Cat, you will have beaten Rock, Pokémon, Scissors by dethroning the FEH Department from their totalitarian rule over the Tosu region. Upon losing or winning against Dr. Parke’s Cat, the following screens are displayed, respectively:


Good luck and have fun!