Meeting Minutes

Day 1

Date/Time: November 21st, 2019

Members Present: Tyler Liu, Rithvik Potluri


  1. Complete APP C38_1.
  2. Gamestorm
  3. Start Planning game, website, & commercial video.

Goal to be Completed with names assigned:

  1. Finish APP_C38_1. – Tyler & Rithvik

Day 2

Date/Time: November 25th, 2019

Members Present: Tyler Liu, Rithvik Potluri


  1. Finish coding classes and function definition.
  2. Start organizing code.
  3. Start int main.
  4. Work on website.

Goal to be Completed with names assigned:

  1. Coding Classes and function definitions. – Tyler & Rithvik
  2. Work on website. – Tyler
  3. Start organizing code & main function. – Rithvik

Day 3

Date/Time: November 26th, 2019

Members Present: Tyler Liu, Rithvik Potluri


  1. Finish coding classes and function definition.
  2. Begin coding functions. (Randomize, card arrays, etc)
  3. Video Brainstorming?

Goal to be Completed with names assigned:

  1. Coding Classes and function definitions. – Tyler & Rithvik
  2. Begin coding functions. – Tyler & Rithvik


Day 4

Date/Time: December 2nd, 2019

Members Present: Tyler Liu, Rithvik Potluri


  1. Create Start menu.
  2. Finish functions.
  3. Begin developing game (while loop)
  4. Update the website
  5. Commercial video
  6. Documentation of code

Goal to be Completed with names assigned:

  1. Start menu – Tyler
  2. Game – Rithvik
  3. Website & video – Tyler & Rithvik
  4. Documentation – Tyler & Rithvik

Day 5

Date/Time: December 3nd, 2019

Members Present: Tyler Liu, Rithvik Potluri


  1. Debug code
  2. Create poster instead of video
  3. Finish documentation
  4. Upload everything onto the website

Goal to be Completed with names assigned:

  1. Debug code. – Tyler & Rithvik
  2. Poster. – Tyler
  3. Documentation. – Rithvik
  4. Upload everything onto website. – Tyler & Rithvik