
History of OSU Project Reflection

Prior to this project, I wasn’t very familiar with the history of research done at Ohio State. However, I had a lot of fun discovering interesting facts about the people and work that has influenced OSU in so many ways. This project definitely increased my appreciation for all that has been accomplished on this campus. I really enjoyed learning more about the life and achievements of Dr. Bertha Bouroncle, and I think everyone in the class did a great job of detailing the works of other researchers. Some of my favorite parts of the project was listening to the interviews conducted by students with the researchers at Ohio State. I thought that was a very unique way to learn more about achievements made at OSU. I also thought that the group that presented on the trip to Antarctica was extremely insightful and inspiring. Overall, I had a lot of fun with this project and learning more about the various accomplishments made at OSU.

Podcast Review

I really enjoyed researching for my project as well as listening in on all of the other student’s podcast. There are some amazing scientists and discoveries that came out of Ohio state that I would have never realized unless hearing the other students’ podcasts. What really stood out to me from the project was how the ambulance started out at Ohio State. With the doctor coming up with a way to get to cardiac arrest patients quicker by actually coming to them was a genius and has completely changed the way emergency situations are handled. I also thought it was interesting the cancer vaccine for cats brings in the most profit into Ohio State, I didn’t know how big of a killer it was with cats but has significantly helped them. I also lastly liked how the other group went more in-depth about the all-girl expedition to Antarctica and how they not only have to deal with the harsh environment of the continent but also having to deal with the men that looked down on them! They tried so hard to prove a point to the Navy that they are less needy than the men, so they asked for less help when in reality they should have been able to ask for help if they needed it. Overall this was a great project and would recommend you do this next year!

History of OSU Project Reflection

I really enjoyed the history of OSU project! It was nice to collaborate with other students in our class to get to know them better and make a great group project. It was nice to have class time to collaborate! I think the amount of time we were given in class was sufficient because we figured out the topic and who was doing what, then we assigned an order for the final project and everything else was on our own. It was a very simple and efficient process!

I don’t have any serious improvements for the project going forward other than perhaps some clearer (or more direct) instructions for us, I felt like we were kind of winging it and hoping for the best (which actually ended up being fun, but it was mildly confusing in the beginning!). I edited the project and learned a very quick 5 minute how-to on iMovie – thanks, Emma! I had used it before, but putting so many different files together was a whole new beast to conquer! So was looking at the file size, apparently…

For the next project, I hope to keep the collaboration with others going. It makes it more fun and interesting to work with others! In Europe, I will be sure to take as many opportunities as possible to take some videos and make content for the final project. I have loved this class and learning the history of science, I can’t wait to learn more abroad!

History of OSU Project

The aspect I appreciated most about this project was the freedom to choose any OSU history topic we were interested in. Doing the project specifically about OSU brought a sense of pride into being a Buckeye while hearing about the subjects everyone else in the class did. In addition, I liked feeling like I got to know some of my fellow classmates better by listening to what they found interesting enough to research themselves.

I was part of the group that did the all-women Antarctica expedition, and I think it worked well to have a group of us doing one big event, so we could tell the story cohesively, while focusing on the aspects of the trip we individually found interesting. We each recorded our parts individually, then put them together in a predetermined order to make one story. I think we lucked out in being able to find sources because the anniversary of the trip was just this past year, otherwise I’m not sure we would have found enough info to make this one trip our whole project, and we maybe could have expanded more.

As far as looking forward to the History of Science in Europe project, I think I will look into making a rough draft “script” for Ada Lovelace’s story, that way I know exactly where I need to go or need to film while in London, to ensure I get everything I need to while abroad.

History of OSU Project

Researching Dr. Bowen became a little difficult when I realized there was not much information about what she had done outside of her time at the university. Although I didn’t stray too far from her time here, I tried to dive a little deeper when researching her by looking up her time serving for the Vietnam War as well as her time in the military in general. There also wasn’t much information on her time in Harlem, New York so I tried to see if I could find any more specifics. Overall though, I enjoyed researching someone closely related to the university for this project because it makes the community feel a little bit closer in a way. Understanding a bit of the history here helps put things into perspective of where the innovations for the university have led us.

For the other presentations, I really enjoyed Gabby’s research topic. I have cats at home so it was interesting to learn about someone who became a major part of the history for many cats’ health and well-being. I also thought her audio was easy to listen to and understand so that helped out quite a bit with retaining the information as well. I also really liked Ivana’s presentation; it was short and to the point, while also including a good amount of valuable information on her topic. The ambulance sound effect was also appreciated. Lastly, I also thought the presentations with the interviews were interesting. It was really cool to hear a first hand view of the topics being presented as well as gain knowledge that maybe would not have been found on the internet.

Dr. Samir Mathur

I found this talk very interesting as I have always found black holes very interesting. The most interesting thing to me is how much scientists still don’t know about them and the amount of progress that has been made. It’s like we know so much, but still so little. Dr. Samir Mathur did such a great job of helping us to understand the things we do know about black holes and it was clear how passionate he is about his work. I feel like I learned more during this talk than any high school physics class.