Text Review Assignment

The book that I have chosen to discuss is a classic, that almost everyone will read at some point in their lives. To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee in 1960, is a story that focuses on that gut instinct of right and wrong and distinguishes it from just following the law. Set in Maycomb Alabama in the 1930’s in the midst of the Great Depression, the book follows Atticus Finch a prominent lawyer, who is relatively well off compared to the rest of Maycomb’s society. The book also follows Scout and Jem Finch Atticus’s children. If you are looking for a text that displays the concept of the “subaltern”, injustices against one group held down by another group, this is a good book for you. In the book Atticus Finch agrees to defend a black man by the name of Tom Robinson, who has been accused of raping a white woman. Because of this decision Scout and Jem, are abused by the other white school children, however they are taken in with open arms into the local black community. In the town of Maycomb there is great prejudice and social inequality against the black community. At the top of the social hierarchy sit the Finch’s, beneath them sit the ignorant country farmers such as the Cunnighams, who lie below the townspeople, and the white trash Ewells sit below the Cunnighams. Even with all their admirable qualities the black community sits below even the Ewells. This allows Bob Ewells to falsely accuse Tom Robinson of rape. 

In the Maycomb society, power is given through skin color and with this unfair share of power comes racism and injustice against the black community. The night before the trial a mob gathers to lynch Tom Robinson, however Scout is able to disperse the mob with her polite questioning about the son of a man in the mob.  During the trial Atticus provides clear evidence that the accusers Mayella Ewell and her father Bob Ewell are lying. In fact, what truly happened was Mayella propositioned Tom Robinson, was caught by her father, and then accused Tom Robinson to cover for her shame and guilt. Atticus provides clear evidence that that the marks on Mayella’s face are from her father’s hand, upon discovering her with Tom. Despite all the evidence pointing to Tom’s innocence the all-white jury convicts him. Later Tom tries to escape from prison and is shot to death losing his voice completely as he falls victim to the unjust system, forcing him to be a subaltern. With Tom’s conviction the racist judicial system in Maycomb also makes Atticus a subaltern, as even though his evidence clearly revealed Tom’s innocence, the racist all-white jury used their unjust power to not listen to Atticus’s making him a subaltern, as his voice and reasoning were not heard.

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