The Pink Tax (Brady Nolan)


Imagine having to spend more money on everyday items simply due to your sex. Well you don’t have to imagine it because this is reality, and a reality I witnessed first-hand. I went shopping with my friend because we both needed to some toiletries. So, once my friend and I finished and checked out, I noticed that she paid around $10 more than me and we practically purchased the same items. This opened my eyes to the issue of the pink tax. Throughout learning more about this injustice I learned that the pink tax forces women pay on average $1,300 more than men according to an article from Bankrate. I also came across the statistics that women shampoo cost up to 48% more than men’s shampoo. Also, schools, doctor offices, planned parenthood, will hand out condoms for free but women have to pay for their forms of birth control, which without insurance can add a monthly expense of hundreds of dollars for women. This is leading to a huge impact on women, not only do women get paid less than men, but they are being forced to spend more money than men on similar items. The monetary impact is massive, after 75 years a woman on average will pay $101,325 more than men from the pink tax, which is making it harder for women to become more financially independent. With women making $0.79 for every $1 a man makes along with the increased price of most protects leads to women struggle more financially.1 This issue is something women have been dealing with for years which is why it is time to finally fix this systemic injustice that has been happening towards women. I think there is a link between this issue and the writing Can the Subaltern Speak. I believe there’s a correlation because women have been trying to voice their concern on this issue along with others, but nothing has been done about it. So, it raises the question if no one is listening to their concerns and does not work to fix this injustice can they, the subaltern being women here, speak. For years women have been treated as inferior to men in our society, and this tax tries to keep that power over women. As a man, I find this issue to be very serious. My products shouldn’t cost any less than a woman’s and I strongly believe action needs to be taken to fix this issue. Personally, I feel like for this issue to be corrected, either pay women more than men so they can pay for the increased prices of female items. Another solution to this injustice is pass legislation which would eliminate this price indifference which in turn would eliminate the pink tax. Regardless of how this is corrected it needs to be, people don’t choose their sex, so they shouldn’t be punished for it.


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