Diary of Systemic Injustice Showcase

I would like to take this time to bring our focus to the systemic injustice African Americans are facing due to the unemployment rate for them being so significantly larger than any other race. The statics these researches have released show how just because of your race, you may not have the equal opportunity as someone that is Caucasian. I believe this is a worldwide issue, and it serves as a root of many problems the world is facing currently. First off, we are the US where we represent the freedom that everyone should have, but looking at the reality of this situation, the unemployment rate is a symbol of an ongoing issue of inequality and discrimination in the workplace. It limits the career opportunities that everyone should having come to the US just because someone is a different race.

The unemployment rates for African Americans and that huge gap there is between Caucasians unemployment between the two creates more issues limiting the opportunities that everyone has equally to not getting a place to stay if you don’t make a certain amount, not getting your kids into a school just because you don’t live around there, and most importantly not being able to have all the opportunities everyone else does just because of your race. This subject it emotional to me and connects to the concepts that we have been reading in class. One would be the perception of “the other” which in this shows how companies view certain races and discriminate based on those features, which leads to such high unemployment rates. This concept is the reality that many people face in the world right now, a sense of loneliness in world where there should be endless opportunities. When we talked about this certain subject we read short readings on how looking different can cause false perceptions of your personality, and that is what we are dealing with currently as well. If this issue was to be talked about more I believe there would be a positive step into helping everyone to maintain a job that helps them take care of their bills and provide for their family, which would show improvements in the community itself. It would be a positive outcome and make the community grow together for a better lifestyle. The health and well-being would increase because people wouldn’t have to worry so much about their different background to be the issue of whether they get the job or not.


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