I greatly enjoyed this film, much more than the Creation film. It was really eye opening to learn that doctors, nurses, and midwives at the time did not agree with the idea of washing their hands before surgery or childbirth. Sterilization of the medical equipment was a foreign subject as well. To me, a young adult living in the 21st century, this is a barbaric thought. People are so germ conscious that a lot of people carry around sanitizer and wear face masks when sick.
I feel that the modern world owes a great deal to Pasteur and I am glad that his ideas were accepted and utilized over time. It is amazing to think that if he had continued with just a philosophy degree or even as a painter, we might not have many of the advancements we have now.
It makes me wonder what ideas are novel and facing a lot of scrutiny in the present time that would be paradigm shifts that end up changing the course of life as we know it.