Travel day. I started off packing. Yes I was a late packer. When I went to China I had to carry around a 50lb bag and there were clothes I never wore. I vowed after that day that that would not happen again. The second reason was that my mom had only given me her suitcase the night before so packing late was my only option. I decided to pack really light and buy clothes if I had to. My reasoning? When would be the next time I would be able to buy clothes from Europe. (Hopefully soon, but I never know).
It turned out we traveled on international woman’s day so I had to take the obligatory selfie.
On the plane to London, there was the archaic looking remote/phone complete with a land line cable in the headset jack I feel like I had stepped a decade in the past
For the dinner/lunch meal, I had the curry chicken. It was surprisingly good. I had airplane food before and it rarely disappointed. It was definitely much better than the campus food I’ve had.
I exchanged $100 each for pounds and euros (at the time I thought it would be enough. Boy was I mistaken.) it was my first time holding European money so I was fairly excited to see the differences.
As we landed into London, I was listening to the lovely music of Andrea Bocelli, it was such a euphoric feeling that I was nearly brought to tears.