Thursday, March 14th

We went to the Jardin de Plantes and saw a bunch of museums today. I really enjoyed the comparative anatomy museum because anatomy is my favorite subject. I ended up spending the majority of my time in this museum.

We took a trip to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa, which was kinda anti-climactic, but still really beautiful. After we went to the Musee de Orssay, which was actually the museum I researched in the beginning of the semester so it was really cool to actually see this. I was pretty crabby this day probably from lack of sleep (Meemaw needs her 10 hours a night), so I just head back to the hotel to relax for a bit and ended up falling asleep before our group dinner. The group dinner ended up just being 7 of us, which was really fun because I felt like I got to know everyone a little better and spend more time with Caroline and John.

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