After getting all tidied up in the London Heathrow Airport, we boarded the coach and made our way to the small town of Down in which Darwin resided for some of his life. It was a neat experience to eat in an English pub for the first time, and the fish and chips made it that much more authentic. I’m not the biggest fish person, but I could tell that the food they served was pretty high quality, and it was a great experience nonetheless.
Following dinner, we got to explore the surrounding area, and most interestingly the small church in Down. There was also a graveyard where some of Darwin’s family was buried, and it was interesting to see this after learning so much about some of them in class. We then made our way to the one and only Down House, which is also a place that England designates as a historical place, allowing for free entry as far as I could tell, which I thought was really cool.
My favorite part of the Down House was actually getting to see the atmosphere and environment in which Darwin lived his life. It is always interesting to put it into perspective and see how his quality of life compared to ours. The landscape of the entire property was beautiful too.
After Down House, we took a bus back to London and got a small bus tour of the city until we got back to our hotel. That night, we just went out and journeyed around the city a little bit to see what could be in store for the coming days.
Overall, day two felt like the longest just from how tired I was. I am pretty sure it was the most tired I have ever been in my life. But even with that, it was still an unforgettable and pleasant experience.