Tuesday, March 12th

Our last day in England was filled with a bunch of group activities. In the morning, we made our way to West Minister Abby on the tube. This was one of my favorite portions of the trip during London. I enjoyed the tour guide and learning more about the different aspects of the church. It was cool to understand all of the history that has been in that building. Afterwards, we walked past the Elizabeth Tower to the London Eye. It was cool to see London in a different perspective. The group did lunch on their own and met back up at the Royal Society. My favorite part of the royal society was seeing the artifacts like the telescope from Newton. It was cool to walk around the society after discussing it in class. A few of us after the tour walked to Buckingham palace. I was disappointed we did not see any of the guards though. I walked to a tube station and visited Kensington palace by myself. It was nice to walk in the park and enjoy that side of London. I also walked past all of the countries’ embassies which was neat. I met back with the group for our Indian dinner which I did not know England was known for. I met up with friends, from OSU on break, for drinks later in the night! It was good to catch up with them, and give them some recommendations. It was a packed day, but a great way to end our time in England.

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