Saturday, March 16th

The last day in Paris was our free day, so I tried to take full advantage of the day. We started the day bright and early. We made our way to Versailles. It was extremely beautiful. It was so extravagant. I could not imagine actually using that palace as a home. It was nice to explore and walk around. We did not explore the gardens just because of their sheer size. After taking our time walking around, we headed back to Paris. I split off from the group, and decided to enjoy some art museums by myself. I went to both Museé D’Orsay and Museé de l’Orangerie. My favorite was experiencing the Monet masterpieces. I ended walking all the way back to the le Louvre because everything was blocked off from the protests. It was eerie walking around with no cars driving and the noises of police sirens zooming past me. In the hindsight to limit the eerie feeling, I should have charged my phone just so I could stay up-to-date with everything. I worked my way back to the hotel, and I then took this time to do some souvenir shopping near the hotel. I found when I was by myself people spoke to me more in French. I ended up shopping and making my way towards the Pantheon which was absolutely stunning. I made my way back to the hotel, and caught up with Caroline. I tagged along with Caroline, and went to a fromage and chocolat store. I really enjoyed walking around, and exploring more of Paris that I had not seen. We got dinner at a cafe and sat outside like true Parisians. We went back to the chocolat store and purchased some pastries for dessert. After walking to the hotel, we found the Banksy graffiti around the corner of the hotel. Jenna and I decided we did not yet want to end the night, so we grabbed a bottle of wine and our treats to share in a court yard near the hotel. It was a great way to end a beautiful trip. This trip has affected the way I perceive other cultures and ideas. I can’t wait to hopefully travel other places and go back to experience more of England and France.

One thought on “Saturday, March 16th

  1. Madison,

    It was fun reading your blog. I could not help but notice the pictures of food in nearly every post (especially from Paris). I have commented on several blogs how it is so interesting to find out what people did on the trip. We tend to scatter so much that you can’t keep track of everyone while its happening. I get a kick out of hearing everyone’s adventures, especially when they venture away, like you did to Oxford or like how you spent a day strolling alone in Paris. I would have completely forgotten that you overslept in Paris the first day, but thanks for reminding me. I won’t forget wandering the cities with you and the unique contribution you made to the group this year. 🙂

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