Creation Movie

Darwin’s ideas of natural selection and evolution seem like common sense and widely know in the modern times. Even pigeon farmers understood the concept…if they bred a strong wing flapper with another strong wing flapper, then there would be a pretty good chance that the offspring would have the desired trait. At this point in history, flora farmers of produce even understood this concept; in order to keep plants with high yields or good flavor, it would beneficial to plant seeds from that plant.  This concept was understood, even if it wasn’t explained properly prior to Darwin.

When using this same thought to explain the progress of man, there were a lot of issues that sprang up. Questions like: “was this going against God?”, “what impact will it have on Charles Darwin’s soul” etc. were one of the main points of the film. Charles’ religious beliefs differed from his wife’s and her struggle with his work was one of the main issues of the film. This religious struggle combined with the loss of his first born daughter, and hydrotherapy for his illness were the main conflicts of the film.

I can sympathize with the loss of a loved one impacting daily life, however I thought it was a bit tedious how his daughter’s ghost was a focal point of the film.

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