I really enjoyed how professor Otter gave a more easy to understand explanation of what exactly Kuhn was trying to convey about paradigms. I found it particularly interesting that he explains how every truth we know about isn’t really a truth, but normalized observations accepted by most of the population. He also mentioned a good point about finances, in which many scientists will not get funding to do research that goes against a certain paradigm, since the investors will not see any gain. This was interesting because in order for a paradigm shift to occur, one would need to conduct research that goes completely against what everyone thinks the “truth” is. I guess that explains why Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier was able to conduct much of his research, since he already came from such a wealthy background. This is also the case with many other famous scientists, such as Darwin, etc. This is also a side note, but I think that it is very interesting that Isaac Newton literally considered himself as a divine being, which I never knew before.