Claire Lavoie | Dale Gnidovec

Thomas Jefferson was one of the first real scientists – he found some big claws.  Turns out they were from a giant sloth.  We have one here at OSU!

Peale – started the first natural history museum.  Almost every picture of George Washington we have was a painting of his.

People didn’t really believe in extinction – why would God create an animal then let it die out?  Really there were 5 big extinction times.

There’s a place in Utah where over 8000 bones have been found.  I wonder how people know where the bones belong?  How do we know for sure the bones are in the right place?  How do we know what their fur/scales were like?

Cuvier – proved extinction. (How do you prove something doesn’t exist? Have we been able to prove mermaids don’t exist?)

Napoleon Bonaparte – discovered the Rosetta Stone, given to GB.

They gave the mastadon femur to Paris because there wasn’t really science going on in America.

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