Dr. Otter came in and started talking about the scientific revolution. He even discussed how Shelley’s Frankenstein was written to criticize science, which is interesting because I have read that book before and wondered why and how it came about. He talked about science and how it is progress. He pretty much discussed how science progressed through history. He discussed several books to get to the point of why kuhn wrote about what he wrote. Fact is when we have agreed to stop probing at something and just accept it. I thought this talk was very interesting because he talked about Kuhn which is the book we are reading in class. This was helpful to hear about because it made the book make just a little more sense because it is very difficult to understand this book. He explained paradigm as sort of a set of thoughts, beliefs, experiments, etc. which form established consensus of a given field at a given time. Not gonna lie I didn’t really understand fully what exactly the simple definition of paradigm was until right now. These are things that pretty much everyone agrees on. He then began to discuss some of the paradigms that Kuhn discusses. He explained normal science in terms of Kuhn, which was experiments that don’t change the paradigm.He explained anomaly as something that doesn’t fit the normal paradigm, we usually label these as pseudoscience. Eventually accumulated anomalies lead to a shift of a paradigm, abandonment of an old one changed to a new one. He concluded with the argument of what Kuhn says which is that history is nonlinear and it is a series of calm and then periods of rupture (paradigm shift).