Kareem Zade – Dr. Goldish

I really liked how enthusiastic Dr. Goldfish was when discussing to us the different scientists, such as Galileo and Copernicus, and how they actually worked with the churches to come up with these scientific revelations. His side stories kept me interested along the way, and provided more details about each scientist and what was going on in the rest of the world during their research and findings. I also did not know that there was actually never really a “war” between science and religion at the time. It was interesting that these scientists actually had the idea that God himself was revealing his creations to them, and that they were actually doing a good thing for the people and their religion by sharing this knowledge with the world. I wonder if this method would have worked with Darwin, although it is unlikely since the Bible, and other religious texts, clearly describe how humans were created. Whereas these texts are less specific or clear for topics that other scientists such as Newton had studied, making it easier for them to state that God had revealed the truth behind his creation to them.

One thought on “Kareem Zade – Dr. Goldish

  1. You may be correct, Kareem, that it was the fact that Darwin challenged an actual Bible teaching (text) that sets him apart from the others in relation to religion. I would have like to have heard more from Dr. Goldish about just what it was that led to the friction between science and religion in the 19th century and why earlier clashes then became exaggerated or invented.

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