Dr. Goldish- Adrian Evans

In all of my previous history/science courses I have learned that there has always been this on going battle between the church and science especially during the time of the scientific revolution. It always seemed that there had to be this choice between one or the other which was disheartening as I have a passion for both. This talk was super interesting and reassuring as I feel like I got a whole new take on some of the most important people in science. The most interesting story in my opinion was the story of Copernicus and how is idea of the sun being the center of the solar system had supposedly infuriated the church. However this was not the case at all as he was essentially the church, he was a priest that was asked by the pope to do some research on the movement of the planets because they were contemplating creating a new calendar. His work was supported by the church and encouraged to be published by the pope since this many of the interpretations of his published work have added in opinions that were not of his own making this story a dramatic warfare. Keppler and Newton were also among the famous scientists that were have said the be rebels to the church because of their groundbreaking discoveries that changed the previous beliefs about how things work around them but again these men were both highly religious people that accredited their talents and finds to God saying that he gave them the tools to do what they did and helped them unveil the understandings that they had. I do find all of this very surprising because it has always been taught to me and talked about around me that there has been this on going war for as long as science has been around. I truly wonder why this idea of competition and hostility came about if this was generally a peaceful matter.

One thought on “Dr. Goldish- Adrian Evans

  1. One more subtle point that Dr. Goldish made, Adrian, was that the war you speak of was more of a 19th Century invention. I would have been interested in finding out how this came about too. Certainly, Darwin’s struggle with religion was real and we know in modern times, it is an issue. The point you reiterate here though is a good one. For those interested in holding on to both viewpoints, the fact that the war has been overstated is reassuring.

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