Alicia Skaff

I was intrigued when Dr. Root said John Snow was the father of modern epidemiology and was one of the first health geographers because I did not know that and I was not really sure what a health geographer was before. I was unaware that maps were hand-drawn and drawn onto a computer screen sensor before twenty years ago. I liked discussing the “one health” concept because I personally like animal inclusion in topics since I am on a pre-vet track. Also, the concept is brilliant because it brings attention to the fact that most epidemics are spread by animal carriers. Knowing how an animal is transmitted with a disease can diminish the population affected. The fact that everyone thought Cholera was spread by miasma while John Snow recorded an analysis of the water systems’ correlation with people affected was very revolutionary. He was able to think outside of the box and save a lot of people. Although medicine is highly advanced today in comparison, I believe we would not have some of the techniques we have today without his influences.

One thought on “Alicia Skaff

  1. Yes, the story of John Snow is a very interesting one. It will be particularly relevant when we go to London and walk the streets where he first made these pronouncements. I think the area of animal public health is also an offshoot of the progress in human public health. I wonder if veterinary science has a OneHealth concept when it comes to animal care as well?

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