
First News Pitch

A news story that impacts The Ohio State University campus would be the first annual event of Volley for Veterans. Alpha Gamma Rho, a Greek organization, came up with this brain child as a philanthropy event to give back to the men and women who have served our nation. It is scheduled for September 23rd, with all proceeds being donated to The Fisher House Foundation- an organization that works directly with military and veterans’ families.

This story would impact the OSU community because it is open to all Ohio State students and faculty. It is timely for the first article because the event will be held about a week after the article is due, which would allow readers enough time to sign up for the event if interested. Regarding prominence of the news piece, this isn’t just another volleyball tournament for a fraternity to raise money for t-shirts. It is a tournament to raise money for veterans of war. This is prominent to the Ohio State community because it is put on by an Ohio State organization, and all competitors  will be Ohio State students and faculty as well. While it is not necessarily “bizarre” by any means, the cause is something that will catch a reader’s eye. The event itself isn’t a conflict, but the men and women that it is raising money for have dealt with more conflict and war that others can imagine. The story could be considered “current” due to this year’s presidential elections coming up, and part of the platform that candidates running for office focus on is that of taking care of our veterans.

What Journalism Means to Me…

Growing up in the agricultural community, I have come to realize how important communication is, and journalism is one effective way of communicating. Regarding agriculture, there are a lot of issues and concerns from the public as society becomes more and more interested in where their food comes from and how it is produced. Due to this curiosity, it is important for those within the agricultural community to communicate what they are doing, how they are doing it, and why they are doing it. This is a conversation that should be current and ongoing between agriculturalists and the rest of the public. Journalism allows this information to be presented to the public in a transparent platform, which keeps the information accountable. I became interested in journalism when I realized how effective it could be in regards to getting getting out information.