Community Commitment

During the first week of school, I hit the streets with other Biological Science Scholars in order to help out our community. We took on the task of cleaning up trash in the surrounding campus area in order to best the area in a positive light. From this experience, I met new people and continued my belief that helping people can be fun.


When I was choosing which scholars program to enroll in, Biological Science Scholars appealed to me because of its emphasis on research and career development. As I look at my next four years of school and my life beyond, I hope to use the H&S G.O.A.L.S. to help me shape and enhances my academic and career paths.


G. Global Awareness. As a student at the Ohio State University, I have the world at my fingertips, literally. Sometime in the next four years, I would like to study abroad through CFAES in order to continue to develop my appreciation of culture and diversity.


O. Original Inquiry. One of the main things that drew me to Ohio State was its amazing research opportunities.  I would like to get involved in animal behavior research most likely during my junior or senior year. Using my experiences with animals in the past to help me get into this line of research. After taking more animal science courses, I hope to be able to get a better feel for what I want to pursue and what I truly am interested in.

A. Academic Enrichment. In my coursework I plan to choose classes that will push me farther into the animal sciences. Looking for courses that are more interesting, and challenging rather than ones that will require less work. I hope to earn a well rounded education, and to take classes that will help me understand animal behaviors better.

L. Leadership Development. Before college, I participated in many different groups that focused on leadership development. Now that I am at college, I plan to do the same. As a student athlete, I am learning  different ways of being a leader and that being a leader does not always mean that you have the biggest voice. I plan to continue to develop as I get involved in more groups.

S. Service Engagement. Serving my community has always been very important to me, and now that I am a part of a new community I hope to continue to work to do the same. I want to get involved in a service group that either works with children or animals or both together in order to combine two of my passions.


Looking at my goals for the next four years, the biggest thing that I am going to need to deal with is balance. I have high hopes for myself, and in order to balance extra-curriculars, coursework, and crew, I need to continue to work on my time management skills. Also I will be prepared to ask for help when I need it. A good scholars student is a student who is determined ans has a goal in mind. My goal is to get the most that I can out of my college career, so I will be prepared for what comes next.


Buckeye Dairy Club

Buckeye Dairy Club is the dairy club on campus that focuses on college students interactions with the dairy industry. I decided to join BDC because of my love for cattle. I was looking for a group to get involved with and decided that BDC was the best fit for me. As a part of BDC, I helped out with the Buckeye Royal, a showmanship competitions for students to halter break a calf and then show her. Being a part of BDC is really important to me because it gives me a chance to be with cattle, something that I really have been missing since I left home. I look forward to getting more involved.


About Me

scholarsSarah Schuster is a first year student majoring in animal science with the intent of adding a second major of agricultural economics. Coming from Deerfield, WI and the dairy state, Sarah is extremely passionate about agriculture and interested in specializing in genetics. During high school, Sarah played volleyball and ultimate frisbee and was involved in 4-H, FFA, SkillsUSA, Students Supporting Students, and Key Club. She currently is serving as the Wisconsin 4-H Leadership Council Youth president. Sarah loves to volunteer in her community and is excited to get involved in Columbus.

Year in Review

This past semester has definitely been one of growth and change. When I first arrived on campus, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I had a plan. Within the first month my plan had drastically changed. Now, a semester into my eight semesters here on the Ohio State University campus, I am working to decide how I want my plan to actually proceed. This past semester I have learned a lot about moving away from home and what I want to do in my life. Leaving a place that you are familiar with and going to a completely unknown state, city, and campus is a big step in growing up. This semester I feel that I have made some steps of progress to find my place on campus, and look forward to continuing to look for it. One of the biggest things that I have been working with is determining how to divide my time in order to get the most out of my experience. Being a student athlete can put a lot of strain on time management and makes me decide to only do a few things because there simply is not time for the others. I hope to work on better time management in this coming semester and to find one organization that I am really passionate about.