How can I support instructors with copyright for their courses?
Knowing about copyright can go a long way in following best practices. Ignorance of the law does not protect users from copyright infringement. Creating a workflow for sharing curricular materials can empower an instructor to revise or adapt their course content. Focusing on open and affordable resources from the library or OER can provide a better user experience for your students.
Who owns university courses in my college or department?
This will change institution to institution, so make sure you look to your intellectual property policy. Often times, faculty own the copyright for their scholarly or instructional works, while staff operate under a work made for hire policy. If you are helping an instructor build a course that you want to share or reuse, reach out to them to see what they may feel comfortable with.
Are there differences between in-person and online teaching?
Yes. These are separated out in the law as Section 110(1) and 110(2). The TEACH Act, Section 110(2) is specifically written for distance learning. It was written in 2002, so it can be difficult to meet all of the specific requirements. For online learning, relying on library licensed resources and fair use can be helpful for sharing content.