- Online classes take more work than you think. Because you do not have in class sessions, most of the learning is on your own. You have to take the time out of your day to sit down and learn which can be difficult if you have a lot of other things going on in your life.
- Talking to other classmates can be really helpful. Even if you just respond to one of their discussion posts and have a dialogue it is helpful because it gives you someone to bounce ideas off of and see new view points. It is good to be in connection with classmates so if you’re struggling you can get help and it is a good way to meet new people.
- Time managment is key in online classes. Since you have to do most of the work yourself, keeping track of your assignments and turning everything in on time can be difficult. It is important to create a habit and being consisent every week with doing your assignments.
Learning Strategies
Taking notes is so important! Each person has their own way of taking notes that works best for them, so do whatever is best for you! Every time you learn something new, jot down some notes whether it is symbols, words, pictures or whatever, just take notes because it helps you learn and you can easily go back and review. Taking notes is something basic but something very helpful and it helps you learn while you meet the material for the first time and you can go back and know what your notes meant and understand them better.
Organization is key when learning. Something I learned about in this class is Trello, which is an online site where you can organize all of the things you need to get done. It is super helpful and so easy to use. This helps you be less stressed and more worried about learning then thinking of all the things you have to do. You can have multiple different boards that you can keep notes in if you want or major topics you want to review for each class. Overall it is a great study tool that I recommend using.
Another learning strategy is spending 20 minutes every day to go over what you learned that day. Reviewing what you learned that day for 20 – 30 minutes helps you understand the material better and makes it stick in your memory longer. It can be difficult because it takes more time out of your day, but in the end, it truly helps you learn better and remember the material longer. If you try it for just 1 week you will tell a difference and you won’t have to spend as much time reviewing when the final comes along.
Technology I have Learned About
One thing I learn the best from and love using is videos. I listen best by seeing and hearing things at the same time. This link above is a link to a youtube channel called Crash Course. This channel has videos for every subject like science, history, philosophy, math, and many others. They are little videos that give you a crash course over whatever subject you need. They have aminations and explain things in ways anyone can understand. These videos have helped me understand things in many of my classes and I recommend using these videos if you are ever struggling with a subject.
Another technology that I have learned to love is Google Scholar. Before I learned about Google Scholar I used to look up resources through websites like JSTOR. Those websites would help me find articles I needed for a paper or other things like that, but Google Scholar is so much easier to use and you can very specific about what you are looking for. You can choose if you want just academic journals or books or articles or whatever you are looking for. It pulls information from things all over the web and gives you the best variety. Overall, it is super helpful and I would recommend using it.