Congratulations on your admission to the The Ohio State University Certificate Programs at the College of Nursing! We are honored that you have chosen to further your education with us. The journey ahead is full of excitement, challenges and growth. We are here to support you each step of the way. In order to be adequately prepared to begin your program this spring, please review the information on the site thoroughly. The site is designed to provide you with important information you need to know as a new certificate student in the College of Nursing.
Please click here to view a welcome from Dr. Becky Lorenz, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Educational Innovation
Please click here to view a resource video for students enrolled in CON certificate programs.
Please take a moment to review the academic calendar, which you can find here. It’s a helpful resource with important dates for all university students, including the first day of classes, registration deadlines, the final exam schedule, and more!
Please use the “new student check lists” below to ensure you have completed the necessary requirements prior to the start of the program: