Personal Development over the Semester

This semester at Ohio State has definitely changed me in many ways, in ways that I would like to think made me a better person overall.  After the first set of midterms, I was sure that I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the rest of the semester and had gotten very down on myself which inevitably made me doubt who I was, why I chose OSU, and what I was actually going to do with my life. Although my friends and family told me that it wasn’t as big of a deal as I was making it, I literally thought the world was ending. I decided in that moment that what I was doing before was not going to cut it here and if I wanted to succeed, I need to get my studying habits and work ethic in line. Which is exactly what I did, granted now I don’t have perfect grades, but I work very hard for each and every assignment and test to the point where I know that I put my best effort in, which gives me great satisfaction. This is a very drastic personal development change from the point I was at in high school, which was about putting in zero effort and still getting straight A’s. I think that because I decided to make this change, I will continue on to be a successful student here, even though I know I will not be the perfect student. Hopefully my work ethic and dedication will get me to reach all the goals and dreams I have placed in my mind one day. I have become a lot more happier with my grades, and a lot happier with the whole Ohio State University experience. Also, we just beat Michigan again so this will be a good omen for the rest of my freshman year. Go bucks!

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