A year is a long time – or so I thought. As the days became weeks, which became months, which inevitably turned into where I am now, which is finals week of my second semester, I never thought that time would go by so quickly. I am a whole different person from where I was a few months ago, and an extremely different person from where I was a year ago. Not only have I survived my Freshman year of college- the most crazy, heartbreaking, heartwarming, unpredictable, and amazing time of my life- but I have learned how to thrive here at Ohio State. The rough transition that occurred when I first arrived here made me into a better person. College has made me responsible in many different ways. I make sure all my work is done and done correctly on time, I buy my own groceries and clothing and supplies whenever I need them, and I decide how I spend my free time. This responsibility grows hand-in-hand with my maturity. Although at times I get overemotional and stressed, I have learned how to deal with my emotions in positive ways, whether it is talking to my friends, exercising, or simply taking a few moments to collect my thoughts and calm down. These techniques will be improved on and used throughout the rest of my entire life, so it is good that I have set a strong foundation.
By far the most important thing I have learned is how to handle obstacles and setbacks that come across my path. I understand that sometimes I don’t do as good as I wanted to on an exam or I forget to finish an assignment, and even though I might get frustrated, I try to figure what I did wrong and how I can fix the situation for the next assignment or exam. This has gotten me very far in college, and although I might not have perfect grades, I know that I put the maximum amount of effort into everything I do. Only this knowledge brings me satisfaction with school, not the actual grades themselves.
Most importantly, this year I learned who my friends are. My fellow scholars, my floor mates, the faces I see every single day; these are the people who I will keep by my side the rest of my life. I could not be more thankful for the opportunity to have my best friends in my life, and I certainly don’t know who or where I would be without them by my side.
I hope that in the rest of my college career, I continue to lay sturdy bricks on the foundation of which I have already started, and to not let rough winds and harsh storms break me down. I will continue to stand tall and strong.