Current Event Article Review

The bleaching of coral reefs around the world has been a major concern for many scientists and coral enthusiasts for the past 2 decades. Even though this is a major problem for human race as well as the fate of the entire planet, not a lot of attention has been brought to it until recently. According to the news article by ScienceDaily, the number of new corals settling on the Great Barrier Reef  had declined by 89%. This statistic is important because if there is no reproduction of new coral occurring, then the already bleached or dead coral cannot be replaced, which will lead to an even greater reduction in size of this reef. Of course the Great Barrier Reef is not alone in this predicament. Coral reefs are dying all across the planet due to the change in ocean temperatures (even a few degrees destroys the environment in which the coral live in). Although this situation seems to be an inevitable problem due to climate change, scientists are hopefully that this phenomenon will decline eventually.

There is bias within this article because it is focuses on the scientists perspective, which of course, they want to get their point across about  global warming and climate change and how this is effecting our planet. This article is important because it is spreading awareness of a major problem that not only effects animal life within the ocean, but it affects our entire planet, and each and every one of the individuals that reside on it.

As for what I believe, although it seems like an impossible task, we must fight to try and resolve the issue that is causing our coral reefs to die, because the coral reefs provide use valuable resources like oxygen and many various sources of food. We need to combat the issue of  global warming. Whether that may be actually recognizing that this is a legitimate issue, or taking steps to reduce our carbon footprints on a global and individual level, some action needs to be taken very soon.  If we don’t do everything in our power to stop global warming at it’s roots, then the end of our planet and our race is near in our future.


Article Link:


Now into the second semester of my freshman year at The Ohio State University and all of the first semester grades have been published. Although it took a lot of hard work and copious amounts of studying, I was very pleased with the results of my first semester. Although I know that this is the first of many hard semesters here at OSU, this has given me hope that I will be successful in my future time here, and these first semester grades have given me well needed reassurance, because at times I really questioned myself. I am currently halfway through my second semester, and although I am still motivated to do well here, it  has definitely been a struggle because of the level of classes. The first semester has taught me to persevere through this and the end result will pay off, which is summer break and no school for a little while (definitely need a break for a while). I can feel myself getting distracted from school and I understand what I need to do to finish strong, but I am hoping for something good to happen to get me through this rough patch of school.

The fact that I already start to schedule for next semester in two weeks is actually crazy. Time goes by here so fast and its love/hate relationship. My third set of midterms is coming up when I return from spring break and hopefully the studying habits that I discovered last semester will help me get through these midterms and the last finals of my freshman year.


Personal Development over the Semester

This semester at Ohio State has definitely changed me in many ways, in ways that I would like to think made me a better person overall.  After the first set of midterms, I was sure that I wasn’t going to be able to make it through the rest of the semester and had gotten very down on myself which inevitably made me doubt who I was, why I chose OSU, and what I was actually going to do with my life. Although my friends and family told me that it wasn’t as big of a deal as I was making it, I literally thought the world was ending. I decided in that moment that what I was doing before was not going to cut it here and if I wanted to succeed, I need to get my studying habits and work ethic in line. Which is exactly what I did, granted now I don’t have perfect grades, but I work very hard for each and every assignment and test to the point where I know that I put my best effort in, which gives me great satisfaction. This is a very drastic personal development change from the point I was at in high school, which was about putting in zero effort and still getting straight A’s. I think that because I decided to make this change, I will continue on to be a successful student here, even though I know I will not be the perfect student. Hopefully my work ethic and dedication will get me to reach all the goals and dreams I have placed in my mind one day. I have become a lot more happier with my grades, and a lot happier with the whole Ohio State University experience. Also, we just beat Michigan again so this will be a good omen for the rest of my freshman year. Go bucks!


The 12th week in of a new and exciting chapter of my life has started, and I have finally settled into my new lifestyle. Even though I miss my old friends who I have known the entirety of my life, the people I have met through college are some of the most amazing people I have ever encountered. My new friends support me, struggle with me, cry with me, and laugh with me. We spend hours upon hours doing our homework together and when we aren’t doing our homework, we find the time to share and create new and exciting memories together. This isn’t just a sappy post about the friends I have made, they have actually changed who I am as a person and have helped me thrive and grow in college. I remember being so nervous to leave all the people I loved and relied on before and that I was scared I wouldn’t find genuine people, but through STEM scholars and all of our other activities together, I have truly created so many new bonds that I know will last for the rest of my life. They push me outside of my comfort zone and even if I get tired of homework or studying, they encourage me to keeping doing my work and this concept makes me a much better student than I ever was before. Through them I have learned patience, determination, and that I have the ability to achieve whatever dreams and goals that I set for myself in the future and in the present.

Year in Review

A year is a long time – or so I thought. As the days became weeks, which became months, which inevitably turned into where I am now, which is finals week of my second semester, I never thought that time would go by so quickly. I am a whole different person from where I was a few months ago, and an extremely different person from where I was a year ago. Not only have I survived my Freshman year of college- the most crazy, heartbreaking, heartwarming, unpredictable, and amazing time of my life- but I have learned how to thrive here at Ohio State. The rough transition that occurred when I first arrived here made me into a better person. College has made me responsible in many different ways. I make sure all my work is done and done correctly on time, I buy my own groceries and clothing and supplies whenever I need them, and I decide how I spend my free time. This responsibility grows hand-in-hand with my maturity. Although at times I get overemotional and stressed, I have learned how to deal with my emotions in positive ways, whether it is talking to my friends, exercising, or simply taking a few moments to collect my thoughts and calm down. These techniques will be improved on and used throughout the rest of my entire life, so it is good that I have set a strong foundation.

By far the most important thing I have learned is how to handle obstacles and setbacks that come across my path. I understand that sometimes I don’t do as good as I wanted to on an exam or I forget to finish an assignment, and even though I might get frustrated, I try to figure what I did wrong and how I can fix the situation for the next assignment or exam. This has gotten me very far in college, and although I might not have perfect grades, I know that I put the maximum amount of effort into everything I do. Only this knowledge brings me satisfaction with school, not the actual grades themselves.

Most importantly, this year I learned who my friends are. My fellow scholars, my floor mates, the faces I see every single day; these are the people who I will keep by my side the rest of my life. I could not be more thankful for the opportunity to have my best friends in my life, and I certainly don’t know who or where I would be without them by my side.

I hope that in the rest of my college career, I continue to lay sturdy bricks on the foundation of which I have already started, and to not let rough winds and harsh storms break me down. I will continue to stand tall and strong.


I am 7 weeks in. I would like too think that I was very prepared for college, but no one could ever really be prepared for this. I had to very, very quickly adapt to the enormous workload that was brought onto my back by challenging courses I had enrolled into. Even though I spend hours doing my homework and studying, making myself stay up late and wake up early for my 9 A.M. classes, I have somehow still managed to not miss a single lecture, recession, or lab for these past 7 weeks. Although it may not seem like a difficult challenge, the amount of motivation I have left after continuous studying and hours spent doing homework is sadly very low. This has definitely been a change from my prior habits of skipping classes in high school, due to the fact that I simply cannot afford to skip any of the lectures in college, and I have recognized that in college. I hope that this habitual pattern continues on throughout the rest of my college career, because I definitely need to absorb as much information as possible.

About Me

Hi, my name is Lauren Schnipke and I am planning on completing a double major in Neuroscience and Biology on a Pre-Med track at The Ohio State University. I am a first year STEM EE Scholars student and aspire to become a neurosurgeon in the near future. In my free time, I love immersing myself within my studies, as well as spending my time volunteering at The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. I have always been deeply captivated by the field of medicine, especially in the branch of neuroscience and the different neurodegenerative diseases affecting the brain. The mere fact that these neurodegenerative diseases remain relatively unexplored and there is so much left to understand makes me extremely excited to continue to learn about this field and grow as a human and as a medical personnel. I hope that the research and knowledge I acquire throughout my pathway of higher education can allow me to change the future of neuroscience and the lives of those who are affected by neurodegenerative and neurological disorders.