
Group Projects:

This course has taught me a little bit about group projects, specifically group online projects:

  1. The first thing I learned is that you cannot procrastinate a group project. I feel like I procrastinate, but some people do more than I do, so I learned that if you do not give people as much time as possible, they might not do their work.
  2. The next thing I learned is that you need to communicate. It was great having group members that I could communicate well with because it made splitting up the work easier and everyone got to do the part that they wanted.
  3. The final tip I have is communicating more. I know this was already listed, but communication is key it a group project. It helps everyone in the group to communicate their goals for the product. For example, what one person might deem amazing, another might consider subpar.

Reflection Papers:

The reflection papers have really opened my eyes to some of my study habits. The one over procrastination really helped me even though I was skeptical about it at first, and even though I still procrastinate, I do not do it as much. The reflection papers are good tools for this class, as they are long enough to really get decent thought out of the writer but short enough that it is not dreadful to write.

Technology Resources

There are a few technology resources that would come in handy to learn how to use before coming into this class

  1. Google Docs – this is very similar to Microsoft Word and is pretty much a clone of it. This is used for the weekly writing assignments and it would be helpful to know how to use it before taking this class.
  2.  Carmen messages – I had never messaged someone on Carmen before I took this class and did not know that there was a messages tab. Knowing that it is there and how to navigate it is something to know and it is a great resource if it is taken advantage of.
  3.  GroupMe – Knowing how to use GroupMe is great for this class and many other classes that you have group projects in. It makes talking in a group very easy and efficient and should be used as often as possible in my opinion.

How to use Trello:


  1. Create a new board for whatever activities you want to keep track of
  2. Add the to-do list items to the board
  3. move them around the board as you wish!

I suggest having a To-Do column and a finished column for all your assignments.

Like homework, studying, errands, etc.

How to handle an online course

There are many ways that you can use to handle an online course better:

Those ways are:

  1. Treat it like a real in-person course
    1. Have a dedicated time slot to it
  2. Get into contact with other people in the course (instructor and other students)
  3. Last and most importantly do NOT fall behind (tips above will help with that as well)

How to not procrastinate

3 surefire ways to limit procrastination!

  1. Just do it. I know it sounds cliche and that it will not work, but just starting your work will limit how much you leave for later. Most people will not start work and then end up with too much to handle at the end, but if you just start some work, then you will get at least some done.
  2. Break the work into small pieces. This will make the work seem easier to do and will get the work done more easily. This is because most people will not even start large tasks because it seems too daunting, but if broken down it seems a lot more manageable and more easy to start.
  3. Create a To-Do list. This will but all of the work that you have to do right in front of you so you cannot just push it to the side. This helps me personally as it stresses me out enough to get my work done, but not so much that I start freaking out too much.


My purpose

My purpose here at The Ohio State University is to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering. I want to explore the Game Design specialization more.