GOALS: A for Academic Enrichment

For my interview, I spoke to Paul Emenogu. He has been my RA for the past year and I enjoy speaking to him on a regular basis. He is a junior with a Neuroscience major on a pre-medical track. Below are the questions I asked him and his responses to these questions. All of his answers were very helpful to me in my undergraduate career and preparing for my future medical career.

  1. Why did you choose the pre-medical track?
    • “I chose the premed track because I obviously want to be a doctor. I want to help people (which is a cliché and you should never use in a med school interview) and I want to be the doctor that was there for me and my family when we had our medical emergencies”.
  2. What is something you would tell your freshman self to improve in your academic life?
    • “Go to office hours and learn to say no to hanging out with friends. Especially when I was struggling in a class. Also space out my classes there’s no need to pack 16-18 credit hours of science hours a semester”.
  3. What extracurriculars do you take part in at Ohio State?
    • “So I’m an RA, I’m in a political science club, a fraternity, a mentor, and as of yesterday going to be helping with a foundation that will help educate people about politics and world affairs”.
  4. What is the hardest class you have taken at Ohio State?
    • “The hardest class I’ve taken would be biochemistry 4511. Strangely enough though out of all the premed classes though this has been my favourite one”.
  5. How are you preparing for the MCATs?
    • “Lots of studying and taking the Kaplan Prep course”
  6. How much have you shadowed and what was your best shadowing experience?
    • “I’ve shadowed about 50 hours and my favourite experience was watching the pulmonary doctor place a chest tube in a lady after her lungs collapsed from a procedure”.
  7. How much should I shadow in order to be competitive for medical school?
    • “This varies but from what I have heard 30-40 hours is a safe number. Obviously the more the better but at the very least 30-40 is suffice”.
    • “If you need shadowing experience I strongly recommend taking the shadowing class here at OSU (MedColl 2022)”
  8. How many letter of recommendations do you have?
    • “It varies from school to school, but usually 4 is a safe number. 2 from science professors, 1 from a physician and 1 from a supervisor or an nonscience professor”.
  9. How do I approach someone to get a letter of recommendation?
    • “Start going to the professor you want a letter from office hour. Just talk to them and get to know them. Be a regular at their office hours and show interest in the subject and their research if they are conducting research. Ask for a letter 3-4 weeks, however because professors are busy always give them a date  that is earlier than the date you actually need the letter by.”

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