- My Friends
- Hawaii
Through the Health Science Scholars seminar, I was able to learn more about my future aspirations and academic life. My intended major is biology on a pre-medical track. My seminar class and other HSS events such as Dine with the Department helped me to understand the classes required of my major and the requirements for medical school applications. I plan to utilize campus resources such as office hours and undergraduate research sessions to help me progress in my undergraduate career. Additionally, I believe upperclassmen will be able to help me be more prepared for upcoming college courses. In medical school, I plan to study to be a surgeon. Although I do realize that this occupation will take many years of schooling, I truly believe that I have a greater purpose in life: to provide medical assistance in areas around the world that lack vital resources. I wish to be in Doctors Without Borders or the Peace Corps where I would be able to help individuals and families who are in distressing situations. I feel a responsibility to assist those that could not afford the privileges I have experienced in my life. I was able to come to this conclusion from the diversity presentation in the seminar. I want to help people of all cultures and promote health throughout the world. In order to promote health, I must live a healthy balanced life. Throughout college, I want to continue my 8 am classes in order to have the afternoon to do homework and be well rested. My evenings will be filled with club commitments and time with friends. Additionally, I want to exercise once a day to lower my stress and increase my endurance. I will go to exercise classes at the RPAC, run around campus, and play sports at the Jesse Owens Center. Furthermore, I will continue my healthy eating habits with desserts in moderation.