Hello, my name is Cameron Schlechty. I am a first-year student at Ohio State pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Journalism as well as a minor in Media Production and Analysis. Additionally, I am a member of the Scholars Program, MMC (Media, Marketing, and Communications) Scholars Program here at Ohio State. MMC has allowed me to participate in different projects to strengthen my skills that will be needed in my future profession, as well as create opportunities to expand my education here at Ohio State, make new friends and build relationships while having a personal mentor, David McIntyre, help the students in our program push toward success designed to meet each one of our unique future plans.
My future plans include gaining my BA in Journalism here at Ohio State and pursuing a job in the sports broadcasting industry with a company such as Big Ten, ESPN, or Fox Sports. I currently hold a student position with the Athletic Communications department here at Ohio State, which has allowed me to expand my knowledge in preparing me for my future. I have gained skills with reporting athletes, writing articles for different sports such as recaps, as well as gaining knowledge of more sports by keeping stats during different events.
Additionally, I was able to intern with the Carolina Panthers during the summer and season of 2017, which allowed me to work first-hand with the industry I hope to one day be a part of. In the summer of 2018, I was also able to gain a marketing internship with Rodgers Builders, which allowed me to also gain knowledge of how a business is run. This summer, I plan to take on another internship with a sports broadcasting company in Charlotte, NC.
This E-Portfolio demonstrates my unique and knowledgeable experiences on my path to my future plans and career. Through my continued interests and practice, my horizons will continue to expand and prepare me for life post-college, as well as build me into a stronger, hard-working individual.