Digital Flagship

This semester, I am collaborating as fellow of the Center of the Humanities in Practice with the Student Success Iniziative Digital Flagship . My role as Inclusive Practices Analyst is to help ensure the ethical delivery of inclusive programming and content to students. In collaboration with the Ohio State Application Development teams, this research project aims to identify and mitigate the effect of implicit bias at the crossroad of Education and Information Technology.

Website for the Migration Studies Working Group

Finally, the website I have created for our Migration Studies Working Group at The Ohio State University in online. The MSWG is an interdisciplinary graduate student-led organization founded in 2016. We aim to create an inspiring and productive environment for migration studies scholarship, crossing the academic borders of departments and disciplines.

All faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students enrolled at The Ohio State University may become members. You can contact us at Follow us on Twitter! @osu_mswg or click and visit our blog!

Practicum in Translation: Subtitles Workshop at Colorado College 2014