Getting a Flu Shot at the Student health center

The Ohio State University Campus offers a great academic experience to every student, giving each student access to a wide range of resources needed to succeed in reaching their academic goals every semester.But academics isn’t everything for a lot of students, and there are other concerns that those students have, including their social life, and their mental and physical health. Fortunately, Ohio State has plenty of resources for students to succeed in these important goals as well.

One of the many places that offer such help is the John W. Wilce Student Health Center, located right next to the R-PAC gym, which offers students the help they need to succeed in evolving their mental and physical health by providing assistance in almost every health scenario. They offer appointments and walk ins to most injuries and medications, with a staff of experts to provide each student with the best help possible.

Recently, I also had the opportunity to go to John W. Wilce Student Health Center to get a flu shot and be protected against the many dangerous diseases out there, and my experience there was great! When I first walked in to the center, I was worried I wouldn’t know where to go, but I was escorted to the right room and was attended to in less than 20 minutes. The person taking my flu shot was also really nice and let me go quickly after giving me the shot. I was in and out of the place in less than 30 minutes and was back out studying in the Thompson library, which is also right next to the Student health center. I would recommend every student that has the chance to get a flu shot at the health center, to get one as soon as they can to protect themselves from the many things that can give them the flu here at the enormous Ohio State campus.

Getting a flu shot is a great idea, but that isn’t the only thing that the Ohio State Campus offers. There are tons of other resources that can help students get better and more relaxed in their lives. The North Recreational center, or North Rec offers some meditation classes that are free to join for most OSU students, and can allow students to destress when they need to. There is also mental health consultation, provided by the Student wellness center, that can help students dealing with stress to set reasonable goals and be more satisfied; and plenty more resources that can help students lead a better and more fulfilling life.

For a lot of students, college is hard, and students can find themselves stressing out or in need of some health, whether it be physical or mental, which is why the campus offers so many services to help students in their time here at the campus. As a Ohio State Student myself, I intend to use many of these services provided to us to enrich my life and be able to go through my time, studying at the university without worrying about other crisis that may arise.

STEM seminar meeting

I attended a seminar meeting on Monday, the 7th of October, titled the “Nonradioactive Processes in Semiconductor Nano crystals.” I went there alone and was one of the few undergraduate students in attendance.

At first, the seminar room looked a little daunting as people were talking about things that I had never heard of. Even the title of the presentation sounded like some sci-fi topic that could save the world,  but I sat through it, eager to learn something about STEM that I hadn’t heard before. Although I felt a little out of place in the seminar, my experience there was still very valuable as I learned a lot about the promise in biochemical engineering and the different technologies that were being developed; my experience was further enriched because of the presenter,who was very informative and explained everything he talked about, even though most of the audience had a good understanding of the topics being discussed in the seminar. Overall, I learned a lot by going to the seminar and I only hope to attend more of these in the future.

I further think seminars like this are a good way for undergraduate students like me to explore how the STEM community is doing beyond what is on the news; there is a whole lot of people solving lots of problems, many of which have the capacity of one day changing the entire world as we know it. For instance, the semiconductor nano crystals that were being talked about in my seminar have the capacity to replace phone screens that we use today, and possibly reduce battery life significantly in the future. These seminars are also a good way for STEM enthusiasts like me to know the field we could be going into and the many research opportunities that we have on our hands as STEM majors.