Lab Members

Dr. Andrew Sas, MD,PhD

Assistant Professor of Neurology
Division of Headache and Concussion

Research Interests

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Inflammation
  • Immune-mediated axon regeneration
  • Concussion
  • Neuroimmunology

Research Background

I joined The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s Department of Neurology in 2019.

I have two fields of research focus, both lab-based. One is translational research focusing on developing immunotherapies to modulate the immune response after traumatic central nervous system injuries to promote axon regeneration and recovery. I have a laboratory in the Biomedical Research Tower dedicated to this work, have published journal papers and given invited presentations at national conferences on immune modulation after traumatic neuron injury.

I also have expertise in treating concussion and its complications. In the clinic, I’m part of a research team that focuses on the pathophysiology of concussion and optimizing recovery for patients so that they can return to their lives prior to the injury. I have published multiple papers on concussion and given invited presentations at national conferences in the area of concussion pathophysiology and recovery.

I am funded by the NIH/  R01EY035307

I regularly serve as a reviewer for peer-reviewed international journals, have led sessions on inflammation in the brain at research conferences, am a member of the American Academy of Neurology and the American Neurological Association and have served as a reviewer for the NIH and DoD.

Education and Training

  • MD: Medical University of South Carolina
  • PhD: Medical University of South Carolina
  • Residency: Neurology, University of Michigan
  • Fellowship: Traumatic Brain Injury and Sports Neurology, University of Michigan

NIH Bibliography:


Alex Sepeda, B.S.

Research Associate

Alex began working as a technician in the Sas Lab after finishing his undergraduate education at The Ohio State University. He assists Dr. Andrew Sas with studies of immune-mediated axonal regeneration after central nervous system injury. Throughout his undergraduate program, Alex researched gene copy number variations of complement C4 in Dr. Chack-Yung Yu’s lab at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics. In May of 2019, he graduated from The Ohio State University with a BS in Molecular Genetics.



Jack Finn, B.A.

Research Assistant 2

Jack is a recent graduate of Middlebury College and currently working as a Research Assistant 2 in the Sas Lab, where he previously interned for two summers.  He assists both Alex Sepeda and Dr. Andrew Sas in tasks such as retinal staining and flow cytometry. In May of 2023, he graduated Middlebury College with a B.A. majoring in Neuroscience. He will be matriculating at University of Vermont College of Medicine summer 2024.


Paul Renner
Undergrad Research Assistant

Paul is an undergraduate student here at Ohio State University, hoping to double major in Public Policy and Biology while pursuing the pre-medical track. He assist Dr. Andrew Sas and Alex Sepeda in their lab work, especially with imaging and quantification tasks.



Former Members:

Vineeth Rao- Undergrad Research Assistant

Is from Chicago, and is a neuroscience major. He is on the pre-med track, and aspires to be a medical professional.