Checkpoint 3

Three Main Takeaways:

  1. It is important to experiment and work with different technologies in order to discover the best way to organize and plan for yourself as an individual. These methods may be on a cloud, a local device, or even by hand, but in order to be a successful student you must find the way that you are willing to incorporate into your everyday life.
  2. The teaching of learning styles is something I as a student have grown up with but it seems that these different teachings are more of  a myth when it comes to how well it helps a student retain information. Different articles came up in the class discussion that scientifically supported the argument that learning styles don’t actually make an impact.
  3. Personally I think there is a very fine balance of incorporating technology into learning as an undergraduate student. This class has shown the advantages of using our schools resources and purely the different ways to use search engines in order to be successful, as well as the advantages of online planners. But even when I was using an app like study scheduler and was planning out my days to be the most efficient and productive I was still facing motivation and scheduling issues. I personally feel it is best for my learning to use a physical planner to keep my big assignments and meetings laid out, while using technology as a resource to accomplish those tasks.