
Class Takeaways

Week #2 Reflection Paper: Goal Setting & Motivation Regulation

As I am approaching graduation. I have started to plan and look into possible careers. My dream ever since I was a little girl is to be an elementary school teacher. I love children and get my energy from them. They always have this joy and excitement to them that I find so attractive. Kids are people that will at least try everything. That is something that I appreciate most about children. As I think about being an elementary school teacher, someone I really want to be is a friendly, and safe face and place for children. I want to be someone where they feel like they can talk to me about hard stuff and good stuff that is going on in their lives and I can walk through those seasons of life with them. I want to be someone that just sees the child. Not sees all the “problems” or things like that, that comes with the child. Although those things are important. I just do not want to base how I feel about the child based on their situation.

My professional self, is someone who cares a lot about her studies and fights hard for good grades because I believe that if I am receiving good grades it means that I know the material to earn that good grade which is what my future elementary school kids deserve, a teacher who knows her material and is flexible and adaptable in the way she teaches it to her students. Some workplace attributes that I can contribute to my future career as an elementary school teacher is, just being a team player. Meaning I will have an open-door policy with other teachers, share my resources, build genuine friendships with them outside of the school day.

This week in our lectures we looked at examples of what makes up a SMART goal. Ann Chastain, A Michigan State University student wrote an article that explains what SMART goals are. She states, “Meaningful goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and defined within a timeframe for completion”. (Chastain) In my SMART goal I am being specific in the sense that I want to be an elementary school teacher. I can measure this by taking courses at Ohio State University in order to get my teaching degree. This is an achievable goal and is relevant to what I want my future profession to be. The time frame for this goal will be 5 years of schooling.

Overall, I plan to use SMART goals forever and continue to use them in my future career as a teacher.



Chastain, Ann, and Michigan State University. “SMART Goals Help You Achieve Success.” MSU Extension, 2 Oct. 2018,

Safety in school setting

“Student Safety in High Schools”. It has always been an issue, but we see/hear more about it today than ever before. I think a lot of things go into student safety. Things like, weapons/resource officers, D.A.R.E, bullying, mental health, media all affect and play a role in student safety in high school. I hear about more and more news stories of students, teachers, other people around the community are bringing weapons into schools and how it is putting students in danger. Bullying is another way student safety is put into danger. I am going to talk about how bullying affects students and also ways we can “stop” bullying. Mental health is a big topic. Many people celebrities, children, adults, are diagnosed with mental health. In this paper I am going to talk about how it affects student safety in high schools. I am also going to discuss how the media can affect school safety. Ways that I am going to look at that is how social media, media in films and prints of media affect student safety.


Technology I have learned about

Week 5 Reflection

The importance of using credited sources from the internet in your papers is so important. No matter what kind of paper it is, I think that using scholarly sources holds so much more weight than just using the first source that comes up on google. That being said however, finding credited sources and reliable sources is sometimes very hard to come by. A tool that I often use is I go through the osu data base to find credible and reliable sources or I use google scholar. Then reason why credible sources are so useful and more beneficial in our writing it because they help us back up our thoughts. Meaning they provide us with hard facts and help us to prove our point. It also is an easy way for being to feel more inclined to read your paper if they know that you are using actual evidence and facts to back up your points that you are making. Some reasons why you should shy away from using just any website you find on the internet is because most of the times those are written by a single specific person who just goes off of their opinion instead of true solid evidence. Those sources are not bad I would just be cautious as to when and how you use them in your writing.


Week 6 Reflection:

Communication might arguably be the most important thing in our world today. In relationships, in order to have healthy relationships, in school in order to understand what our instructors want us to do on the assignment or even in work when our boss tells us what they want us to do. Communication is especially important and vital in an online learning classroom for several reasons. One being, that since you do not get to see your professor or classmates in person it is important that your professor clearly states the instructions and requirements for the class and assignments. So that the students have all the information they need in order to preform well on the assignment. A second reason why it is important to have open and strong communication in online classes is because it will allow you to have communication with your peers. Via, online discussion posts, emailing them through carmen classroom. That is significant because you can work with students on the required assignments in groups or you can even reach out to them and ask them questions about specific assignments. Another reason communication in online classes is important because it will allow for the professor to get out information to the whole class easily and efficiently meaning they can type out one thing and then send it to everyone instead of just repeating themselves over and over again to each individual student. That is why communication is important in online classes but also just in the society we live in today.

Study environments

Reflection Paper (Week 3)

            As I was thinking about Sarah’s case, and specifically her time, task, and study environment. A change of Sarah’s is she did not separate school and homelife. Meaning she often times tried to do her schoolwork when she was supposed to be at home doing house responsibilities such as caring for her family and providing meals. Sarah also needs to identify and block off certain times in which she can block out time for just school, time for work only, and time to be with her family. Time places in which she can give herself plenty of time to make sure she gets all of her assignments done and turned in on time. Based off of Sarah’s case, it sounds like the first thing to go in her time (responsibilities) is her schoolwork. Leaving her to struggle with procrastination. Meaning she waits to last minute to start and complete a task. In the article found on Psychology Today, The author writes that, “avoiders, who may be avoiding fear of failure or even fear of success, but in either case are very concerned with what others think of them; they would rather have others think they lack effort than ability.” (Marano 2003) Sarah avoided doing her schoolwork because she spent so much time on a work project that she eventually just forgot to do her schoolwork. If Sarah can not give the time her schoolwork deserves then it might be best for her to drop out this semester and get her time management and work/family schedule under control before adding a school schedule on top of that.

About me

Hi, my name is Jocelyn Sapp. I live in Columbus Ohio. On OSU south campus currently. But grew up in a city just outside of Columbus. I work as a teacher in a child care center at Children’s Hospital. My degree is Early Childhood education. I choose it because I have a passion for kids and loving helping and watching them succeed. Something that is interesting about me, is that I am a triplet. I am very comfortable with technology because I have been fortunate enough to be able to use it through out my life.