
As I have packed my bags and charged all my devices, currently, my biggest worry is my two house plants. It sounds crazy but, as a proud cacti-mom, the unstable Ohio weather and complete distrust in my family’s ability to lookout for my plants has me worried for their safe being.

Where Santiago is concerned, I cannot be more excited. I’ve never been to another Latin American country before and I am excited to hear Spanish again! Of course, food is always something worth traveling for and the amazing places we are going to visit is super exciting! The art in Santiago is sure to be interesting; since most of Chilean art doesn’t travel, it will be a rare opportunity to see it in person.

As this ten-hour flight is rearing its head, I grow less excited. Being closed up in a cabin for that long of a period of time is not ever a good time. I’m hoping all of my homework and readings can at least tic-away the slow passing of time. So for the meantime, I will keep romanticizing out trip and play pretend American Airlines is capable of hyperdrive.


I rechecked the plants. I’m 99% sure at least one of them is gonna die.

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