Who’s Hargun Sandhu? This is Hargun Sandhu.

    I’m a senior at The Ohio State University graduating with a hospitality management bachelors degree in December of 2022 which will accompany my accounting associates degree. Aside from enjoying to further my educational level, I treasure part-time working directly in the fields of hospitality through a family owned Comfort Suites and my family’s other LLC businesses consisting of an Exxon, Marathon and Sunoco gas station. Each of them efficiently broaden my economic knowledge while concurrently teaching me effective methods of handling irregular occurrences that the jobs occasionally have along with which certain changes will bring positive or negative effects to the businesses in their fields. Before becoming crucially involved with my courses at The Ohio State University, I individually chose to learn economic lessons that directly affected my funds, connections and reputation through my used car sales business that I began after obtaining my motor vehicle dealer license which is currently on a virus-related medical hold and I’ve pleasantly been an Ohioan resident for just under 3 decades.

    Hargun’s Personality

  • Hargun enjoys trying his hardest doing all activities he’s involved with
  • Hargun doesn’t resist giving his optimal efforts until reaching the best of results he knew were within reach
  • He gets pleasure from doing everything he can to accomplish his mind’s achievable goals
  • He utterly treasures and understands the importance of his work-relationships, resulting in him pushing himself harder & giving adequate efforts to maintain or enhance the relationships; especially to those of higher working positions including everyone above his age deserving their level of higher respect
  • Hargun passionately believes that each business must have their foremost desire in the well-being of every current and potential customer, because they’re powerfully capable of strengthening the reputations of businesses

Hargun’s employment goal:

In the short term reference, Hargun is inspired to continue doing his absolute best to maintain having his earned position with its included benefits and mutual connections without allowing his educational performances to drop.

Elaborating Hargun’s long term career goal, he will build on working successfully to have his hospitality position repetitively promoted to the point of being a well-established hotel’s operator to remain employed with his upper position at said hotel for above a full decade; justifying his positive reputation before the year 2035 arrives.

Hargun’s strengths are that he cannot physically or mentally give up on completing his mind’s goal while utterly believing that the struggle of reaching its completion can just be a part of his past. Hargun knows that life and work have their own individual struggles, but he doesn’t let them get him down knowing that they’re can severely limit his capabilities of reaching certain levels of success, paired with knowing that he’s a certified member of the National Society of Academic Excellence.

His weaknesses are that he lets his mind get deeply affected from the mistakes he let himself make after learning the exact procedures to be followed in order to avoid the occurrence of the negative circumstances that happened. He doesn’t leave himself in the range of being overtaken by competitors, but he doesn’t handle working very well after learning that his hard work and extended efforts recently given are being overseen by the effects of his job’s competition.

Below are the hospitality management courses that Hargun has successfully completed at The Ohio State University’s Columbus, Ohio campus.

  • Art and Music Education
  • Principles of Food Production Management
  • Principles of Food Production Management Laboratory
  • Hospitality Internship
  • Controlling Food Beverage and Labor Costs
  • Food Service Management
  • Food Service Management Practicum
  • Beverage Management
  • Recommendation letters written by a couple of Hargun’s current and past employers


    Hargun’s past and current extracurricular activities

    I became the social chair and then the event organizer of The Ohio State University’s Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, which I am still a member of to this day.
    I’m also a part of my hometown county’s Masonry program that meets with fellow Masons members, frequently bringing vital improvements to the residential area that I grew up in. Without my communications made with other team captains, my intramural football and basketball teams wouldn’t have participated in any games. I gave my utter efforts to arrange local fundraising events to accumulate the remaining $3,500 needed to open a gym with Christian beliefs in my hometown. I worked together with members of the The Ohio State University’s Indian Students Association group to arrange a number of future meetings to organize the group’s upcoming events in desirable areas

    Feel free to take a peek at Hargun’s LinkedIn account: http://linkedin.com/in/hsinghsandhu1018

    Don’t hesitate to contact Hargun via either his email address: sandhu.48@buckeyemail.osu.edu or his cellular phone number: (614) 721-3383 and he’s willing to send you other individual details about himself including whichever media files apply to those details through whichever chosen form of communication.

    Information about Hargun’s used vehicle sales business is accessible by clicking this link or clicking the gray tab labeled menu beneath the red banner and words “Details of Hargun Singh Sandhu” at the top of this page: https://u.osu.edu/sandhu.48/harguns-used-automobiles-business/

    Hargun once loved to further his enjoyment of sunny days that didn’t include rain.

    Singh’s Quality Used Automobiles chose to assist a consumer’s request by finding their preferred form of marine vehicle, proving that the business isn’t only concerned about itself.

    Every bit of your attention must be undivided from anything other than the task-at-hand while following your job’s responsibilities

    Instead of involving himself in any activities that may bring him any regrets or downsides, Hargun likes to ease any bits of stress from his mind while keeping his concentration on the activity he chose to enjoy doing

    Hargun’s updated resumé: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L624Inj_yNE_Z4L6KuTL14aBWINEIHsNxeKCUqpxeSc/edit