Exploring Co-creation on a Large Scale

delft (PDF)

Designing For, With and From User Experiences, Proceedings of the May 13, 2009 Symposium. Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, StudioLab Press, 2010.

On May 13, over 350 people, 50/50 from Dutch industry and academia, and several guests from Belgium, Germany, and the USA, attended the morning symposium, and about 120 researchers and practitioners took part in the afternoon tie-in sessions. Liz Sanders of MakeTools and Jacob Buur of the University of Southern Denmark talked about co-creation and ethnography. Twelve young designers talked about their experience with this aspect in the Dutch design industry.

Exploring Co-creation on a Large Scale: Designing for New Healthcare Environments and Experiences

Symposium: Designing for, with and from User Experiences
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology
Delft, The Netherlands 2009

Abstract: A participatory mindset is beginning to change how new healthcare facilities are being planned and designed today. The activity is changing from a focus on the design of buildings to encompass collaboration with all the relevant stakeholders (patients, visitors, doctors, nurses, cleaning staff, etc.) in designing for future healthcare experiences. I will show and describe some of the new tools and methods for design and research that are being explored to inform and inspire co-creation on a large scale.