Phase 2: moving on


This week I started to put some ideas into action for how to digitize the exhibition experience and maybe meld in some aspects of the video I had originally planned on making for the last 5 weeks of this project. Because my overarching goals were really focused on providing a snapshot of what the design school and design process experience was like for grad students, I thought that I could still portray this ~virtually~ by exhibiting my colleagues’ work and showcasing their voices.


Choices Made

I started by capturing the frames’ and submitted works’ images.

I want to continue playing around with this a bit…I am not sure if I want the aesthetic to try to emulate a “real” space or a digital one quite yet. I looked to some of the links shared in my last post to how a potential website might look.

This image is from a designer’s personal website. I like this aesthetic’s multimodality of text, images, and dynamic vs static pieces. With this I have thought of including not only examples fro different writing categories, but also their descriptions, what the authors have said/written about them, and links to outside sources. The content is a bit scattered and aimless, however, although that seems to be the intent. At the same time it’s interesting that it takes up the “space” of the screen as you scroll.

These next two images are from a MOMA exhibition (Century of the Child) which showcases different toys across the decades. This website’s home screen (the first image) is fairly intuitive and engaging, and it offers a lot of content. It’s a little overcomplicated in the design, however, but I’d like to mirror its navigation properties. I also like how this one takes up the virtual “space” by relying on the objects displayed.


I started prototyping with Adobe XD, an application I began to learn last year to map out applications without really coding. A demo of how the mounted frames could be navigated is shown in the video below:


6400 exhibition demo 1


Current Questions/Needs Raised

  • Contributed content! Some ideas I have are:
    • getting some written or verbal feedback from grad students to fold into the website mock-up
    • more images
  • Iterations of website navigation options
  • Images of the space? I really want to incorporate the physicality of the design community somehow – whether this means safely going onto campus, gathering existing images, or coming up with another way to document spaces


Likely Next Steps

  • Receive further feedback on direction of the project
  • Put together request/make content
  • Play around in XD some more
  • Find a way/time to return borrowed equipment