The Russian Film Industry (Mosfilm)

As a part of the Russian Study Abroad Trip, our group toured Mosfilm. It is the largest film studio in both Russia and Europe. The tour included a comprehensive display and explanation of different sets, props, cars, and history of the studio. According to our tour guide it was founded in 1920 and the first film was released in 1924. The film studio produced films during both major wars and consequently has never halted production. According to Mosfilm, it was imperative to keep making films whether it be as war propaganda or enjoyment for the citizens of Russia. Mosfilm is still to this day the leading film company in Russia.

On the tour we looked at vintage cars and carriages. The tour guide told us that any director/filmmaker of the studio can come and use whatever props they see fit for their film. It was interesting to see how a prop could be used in a variety of ways. For instance, the same piece of pottery could be seen in both a science fiction film and in a period piece. We were also able to see costumes, wigs, and makeup prosthetics. Mosfilm has a wide array of military costumes and regal wear. Most of the regal wear was used throughout the film Anna Karenina.

The tour also involved the showcase of a backlot, set, and green-screen. The backlot was a reproduction of the streets of Moscow and old Saint Petersburg. The buildings were made to look old and built of stone, when in reality they were made of a cheap and inexpensive material. After we viewed the backlot, we were taken to the main production lot. The tour guide took us to one of the smaller sets. The set was of a church and we were able to see the immense detail that goes into the creation of a stage set. From the fake candelabra and recreation of old cathedral artwork, the set looked exactly like the inside of a tiny Russian church.

We were then taken to one of the bigger rooms on the production lot: the green-screen room. It was a giant room painted neon green. The room is primarily used for post production work. Here filmmakers can put visual effects and virtual backgrounds into their film. Compared to the green-screens in America, this studio was very small. This was something that I noted throughout the tour, American film studios have a wider array of props, sets, backlots, costumes, etc. than Mosfilm. I believe this is due to influences such as monetary funds and other such factors.

The tour put into perspective all the work and production that has to occur in order to create a film. It was interesting to see all the effort that goes in behind the camera for such films to be constructed. I have watched my fair share of films produced by Mosfilm; thus I found the tour to be both informative and fun. It was exciting to be able to see costumes and props from films I have deeply enjoyed such as Kidnapping, Caucasian Style and Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.  


During my group’s time in Saint Petersburg we meet with Russian film students. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip. I was able to witness firsthand the influence of Mosfilm on these students and get a deeper understanding of Russian culture from their perspectives. I talked with a student named Anton Beesonov, he discussed how films directed by Sergei Eisenstein had influenced his career choice of going into directing. The students also discussed the way film has been evolving in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union. More advancements in technology and the use of such items as a green-screen have started to expand cinema in a more creative way. This discussion and the tour of Mosfilm truly encapsulated how the Russian film industry has inspired the desire for creation and imagination.

Mosfilm Tour

Anton Beesonov

3 thoughts on “The Russian Film Industry (Mosfilm)

  1. I loved seeing all of the props and I thought it was so cool that all of the cars and stuff still worked. I thought that the church set was really cool. It was neat to see how much detail there was put into it. I also thought it was interesting that they had so much stuff left over from the Anna Karenina film around.

  2. My favorite park was seeing the back lot. It was really cool thinking about what Moscow looked like in a different time and it seemed almost real. Not to mention, many coveted films had been shot there, including Anna Karenina. Since Anna Karenina is one of my favorite Russian works, I loved seeing the vast amounts of props and scenes from that movie, especially the dresses. Though, I think my actual favorite part was the “live” show if Russia’s first horror film. Those dummies were so funny to watch with the audio, I just thought it was so random for them to have that set up, but I loved it. I agree with you that it is special that we got to see Mosfilm, which has been so influential in Russia’s entertainment since the dawn of film.

  3. I was suprised at the centrality of the Mosfilm studio for the Russian film industry that a vast majority of their movies and large amounts of tv shows and advertisements made there. In America people often refer to the film industry collectively as “Hollywood” but the filming and production of films (and by extent tv shows and ads) are very decentralized with even “out of the way” states like New Mexico and Georgia becoming significant filming locations. Mosfilm seems to be another product of Russia’s preference for heavy centralization.

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