Never Lose It Again!


How many times have you:

  1. Put the perfection lesson together?
  2. Created the perfect presentation?
  3. Typed a unit plan?
  4. Made something amazing for your classroom that you couldn’t wait to use?

Then you did what all of us have been doing for years, uploaded it onto a flash drive.

Only to find out..that the universe has different plans:

  1. You lose the flash drive.
  2. You break the flash drive.
  3. Or the flash drive just wont work in the desired computer.

Solution: Dropbox

Dropbox is the equivalent of an online storage unit.

Upload any file you wish to access from a different point

Log on to your account from the new device

All uploaded files are in one place ready to go!

Never worry about another dreaded flash drive!

Classroom Implications:

  • Allows teachers to move files from home to work, without messing with multiple flashdrives
  • Allows students to create an account and transfer: reports, presentations, various other activities from home to school (or school to home) for editing or completion.
  • Great for group products! This Website could allow one file to be sent home and worked on by multiple students. Students could then compile their files into one big file once each individual file is completed.

A way for all students to have access to a free flash drive:

  • Instead of parents spending money on flash drives for student use, this website cannot be lost or broken and serves the same purpose and did I mention it is FREE!
  • This will make many parents happy seeing one less item needed on the back to school list.

Beneficial for all teachers, across curriculum

Have faith that your perfectly planned lessons, activities,

units and presentations will ALWAYS be there for your students!


Unpack those survival kits & get busy!

kit-Kambra Runyon

Dropbox logo: Dropbox. Last modified 2007. Accessed February 24, 2014.



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