Right Under Our Noses!

Let’s not make this too hard ladies and gentlemen.

ALL teachers are ALWAYS looking for ways to keep in touch with parents, and to make them feel as if they are a part of a classroom.

Classroom blog sites are great!

(for teachers that have the funds and time to create & edit sites)

BUT…let’s be realistic, we are EDUCATORS, with up to thirty little, fully functioning human beings we are responsible for nurturing, teaching, caring for and shaping…


The solution to this is RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES, something we use everyday!!!

Therefore, I introduce to you the idea of creating a classroom Facebook!

Use as a blog.

MAKE YOUR PROFILE PRIVATE! This undoubtedly the most important step!

This will only allow parents, and fellow teachers you grant permission to, to view and comment on the website.

Add photos, videos, party/assembly

information, assignment info all at once!

  • Stay in touch with parents about what is going on in the classroom!
  • Upload activities from the day!
  • Create party reminders to send to parents!
  • Create posts with specific details about assignment requirements and due dates!

Fulfill Social Studies Standards

Second Grade: History Strand:Heritage: 4. Biographies can show how peoples’ actions have shaped the world in which we live.

Create a Facebook page with your students. Instead of writing autobiographies, create a Facebook page and chat about peoples’ lives.

Ex. Create a Facebook page for Abraham Lincoln, create posts for important days of his life (election day, end of the civil war)

Discuss with students how he might have felt during these times in his life!

Unpack those survival kits and get busy!

-Kambra Runyon

Facebook logo retrieved from: https://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo

Survival Kit designed by: Kambra Runyon



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