Year In Review

Over the course of the past two years at The Ohio State University, I have experienced more than I thought I would over the course of four years of college. At the beginning of last fall, I had many misconceptions on what college would entail. Often, I thought that I had finally made it, after going through many years of education, I finally had the opportunity to do what I wanted: live on my own, pursue my own interests, and be successful on another level. And, of course, I thought it would all come easily.

However, after a few weeks, I began to realize that the road might not be all rainbows, unicorns, and Buffalo Wild Wings. School was tough, life was tougher. I found myself struggling to develop study habits that would lead to success, struggled to prioritize things in my life, struggled with homesickness, and ultimately failed to find things that would make me happy. This definitely showed itself in my schoolwork, finishing with, what I considered, a weak GPA.

Over the course of Winter Break and Spring Semester, I began to discover that I had been viewing life from a skewed perspective. Throughout the Fall, I had been attending a Christian organization called H2O on campus, but I had often been irregular and was not very involved. However, over the course of Spring Semester, I began to become more involved and discovered a spiritual void in my live that needed to be filled. As a result, my life began to change drastically and, with that, the way I approached college changed as well. Ultimately, I recognized the true opportunities and experiences my time at Ohio State would offer me, with each of those being displayed well in the G.O.A.L.S.

In terms of Global Awareness, in addition to being involved with one religion, Christianity, I have also had the wonderful opportunity to learn more about various views on religion, politics, and a variety of social issues. Often, many of these opportunities have come through classes, both in the coursework itself and in the relationships I have developed in those classes. For example, in Introduction to Folklore (Comparative Studies 2350H), I had the opportunity to examine folklore from both the past and present, which helped me gain insight into what various cultures value and what stories they value, which provide a brief snapshot into their culture. However, the discussions I had with my peers were almost even more valuable. Through discussion, all of us were able to actively and comfortably share our experiences that have brought us to the values and beliefs we have today. As a result, I hope to continue to pursue these relationships in my classes in the future, in hopes of gaining a larger awareness and appreciation for the world around me and where I fit in that world.

In addition, with Original Inquiry, I have had the opportunity to learn more about the research, creative, and innovative process through interning with Central Insurance Companies during the Summer of 2016. During my time with Central, I was able to participate in the project the Actuarial Department was undertaking to change their rating system on insurance policies, which had the potentially to affect every insurance policy Central had written. As a result, I had the opportunity to learn more about conducting the scientific method in terms of forming a hypothesis, implementing an “experiment” with the rating system, and analyzing the results and data to determine the appropriate next step in developing an efficient and effective rating system.

Furthermore, in terms of Academic Enrichment, the curriculum I have selected demonstrates my commitment to academic excellence and a desire to learn. By majoring in Actuarial Science, I have given myself the opportunity to pursue rigorous mathematical, statistic, and business coursework, which both challenges both my intellect and my desire to continue pursuing a career as an Actuary. In addition, my choices in minors (Computer and Information Science and Economics), further demonstrate my desire to challenge myself academically and ensure that I will be well-equipped upon graduating and pursuing a successful career. Furthermore, through taking a wide variety of upper-level and Honors General Education coursework, I believe I am allowing myself to gain a wide range of knowledge that will ultimately serve me well both in my career and in my personal life. Finally, through pursuing and passing both Actuarial Exam P and FM, I believe I am furthering my knowledge of the career I wish to pursue and equipping myself well for the future. Over the course of the next two years, I plan to continue to pursue more difficult coursework and exams, which will ultimately serve to prepare me and enrich me academically.

Outside of the classroom and academic endeavors, I have found leadership and service to be extremely vital to obtaining a well-rounded college experience. However, my involvement in H2O has demonstrated to me greatly that leadership and service are often one and the same. In turn, it would not be fair to talk about one without referencing how it relates to the other. Since becoming involved with H2O, I have taken on a variety of leadership roles, such as becoming a Small Group leader at the beginning of the year, and beginning to help lead a Team at the beginning of the semester. Both of these roles involve a fair portion of administrative and relational responsibilities, such as, planning weekly meetings, leading through weekly meetings, meeting up with members of the Small Group and Team throughout the week in order to better know them, and ultimately pursuing our own spiritual lives. As a result, in some ways, this may resemble more of a leadership role, such as the administrative, planning, and decision making that occurs when planning team each week. However, these resemble service activities as well, such as meeting with members and helping to take care of the week-to-week operations of the team, which is ultimately serving them and the community as a whole. In addition, I serve as the Treasurer of the Archer-Torres Activities Board. Furthermore, there are some more purely service based roles I hold in the community, such as serving on both the Greeting Team and Refreshments Team, which greet those coming to church on Sunday morning as well as setting-up and serving refreshments to those attending service. Also, I often participate in Community Engagement Saturdays throughout the semester, where, for one Saturday each month, H2O sends those who are interested out into the community to serve a variety of organizations who are working to help the poor or marginalized. In the future, I hope to continue to be involved in these ways, as well as find more ways to both lead and serve.

As a result, since the beginning of my first year at Ohio State, many of my experiences have changed my perspective and the way I view myself as well as the world around me. The G.O.A.L.S help to provide a snapshot of how my life has changed since entering college and provide an outline on how I am working to achieve my academic, professional, and life goals, but one cannot merely describe all of these experiences in a few paragraphs. Regardless, I look forward to what the next two years hold and how these G.O.A.L.S will continue to develop.



Throughout college, I plan to explore the G.O.A.L.S. in a variety of ways. For example, I plan to purse Global Awareness by taking a variety of courses that broaden my view of the world and expose myself to many cultures. In addition, I want to become in a cultural organization which promotes diversity and global understanding. To start off my college career, I am taking Anthropology 2202H, which examines cultures from around the world. As a result, I believe the course has broadened my horizon and allowed me to explore global diversity.

Next, I plan to pursue Original Inquiry by pursuing a variety of internships in the insurance industry. Since my major, Actuarial Science, does not provide a great opportunity for pursuing research, internships will serve as a phenomenal opportunity to become involved in real situations, which apply the knowledge I have gained in my studies and allow me to gain much needed experience. In addition to experience, internships will also provide me the opportunity to become involved with companies and organizations who I may not have received the opportunity with by limiting myself to opportunities offered on campus.

In order to pursue Academic Enrichment, I plan to challenge myself academically by enrolling and excelling in the most challenging courses my major has to offer. My academic plan will help to guide my course selections and help to provide a concrete plan that will help me to fulfill my academic aspirations. In addition, I chose to pursue Actuarial Science with a minor in Economics because of my passion for business and mathematics. By choosing this major and minor, I believe I am challenging myself intellectually and committing myself to a career of excellence.

Throughout high school, I was involved with many clubs and organizations. Coming to college, I hope to continue that involvement and pursue Leadership Development by becoming involved with the many clubs and organizations Ohio State has to offer. To start the year, I joined a church organization called H2O. H2O’s mission statement “is to see the college students, graduates, and professionals of Ohio State University and Columbus become disciples of Jesus Christ who are equipped and prepared to influence their families, workplaces, and the world”(H2O’s Website). Becoming involved with H2O has provided me the opportunity to serve the church and the surrounding community in a variety of ways. Furthermore, I hope to develop my leadership skills by becoming even more involved with their activities. In addition, I hope to become even more greatly involved with more of the organizations Ohio State has to offer.

Finally, to pursue Service Engagement, I plan to become involved with many of the service experiences Ohio State has to offer. For example, H2O provides the opportunity to become involved with many Community Engagement events held throughout the academic term. Furthermore, H2O has provided me with the opportunity to become involved with many activities to serve the church. For example, I am a member of both the Greeting Team and Refreshments Team at H2O, which help to welcome people and set up refreshments. In addition, I hope to become more involved with these Community Engagement events and also with the many other service opportunities Ohio State has to offer.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


[Artifacts are the items you consider to be representative of your academic interests and achievements. For each entry, include both an artifact and a detailed annotation.  An annotation is a reflective description of the artifact that attempts to communicate its significance.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

About Me

Bowling Senior PictureHi! My name is Tyler Ruger and I am a Freshman at Ohio State majoring in Actuarial Science. I am a recent graduate of Van Wert High School in Van Wert, Ohio and some of my favorite hobbies include reading, biking, bowling, soccer, and spending time with friends and family. While attending Ohio State, I hope to maintain a high Grade Point Average, become involved in mathematics research dealing with statistics, become greatly involved with the immense and diverse community Ohio State has to offer, pass three of the Actuarial Exams, and, ultimately, receive a degree in Actuarial Science with Honors. I look forward to spending the next four years at The Ohio State University and am immensely proud to be a Buckeye. Go Bucks!