One thought on “awesome work done in my Repetitions of the Romantic Class

  1. This is original work (Romantic Android) produced for my Repetitions of the Romantic Class — Autumn 2015. According to Cody:

    “The inspiration for the artwork came from noticing a relation between some of the themes of romanticism and the typical portrayal of androids in science-fiction films (celluloid androids). It took a while before realizing that, in order to create a piece of art that was more than just fan-art of the characters in Blade Runner or Star Trek, there would have to be original ideas within the piece. I would need to dive deeper into my own artistic abilities and attempt to embody romantic concepts in my own way. Although I may have ultimately been pulled in another direction than I initially set out to follow (themes like the uncanny, the promethean/Frankenstein return to the creator, or alienation) I
    believe that the themes I managed to at least embody in some way are nature and grace, and the compulsion to repeat (and attempt to repeat differently).”

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