
I work on producing large-scale structure (LSS) catalogs for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). I am also a member of the Roman Space Telescope Galaxy Redshift Survey Project Infrastructure Team, for which I will help optimize the survey and prepare the tools for LSS catalog generation and analysis.

In the past, I have analyzed data from large-scale structure surveys, such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Dark Energy Survey. My research allows robust and precise measurements to be made that constrain the nature of dark energy, test General Relativity, measure the mass of the neutrino, and gain insight on the mechanism by which the initial seeds of structure formation were generated. I accomplish this by focusing on the optimization of analysis methods, the identification and amelioration of spurious trends in the data, and the assessment the proper statistical significances of and correlations between measurements derived from the data.

I have also worked on instrumentation. Specifically, I led work on the DESI “Commissioning Instrument“, which optimized the telescope performance ahead of installation of the full DESI focal plane.

My C.V. (circa 2024)

My publications:


Me in 2009:
